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A/N; (check link in comments).
this is a little something i made a couple weeks ago when i was planning the last chapter. i know it's sort of inconvenient introducing her face claim now, but... okay i don't have an excuse 😭

CW; drinking.

Harry POV;

"Harry, I think it's Christmas Eve! Listen..." Hermione gestured to her ear and they both became silent. There were faint voices coming from a church down the road.

Harry thought they were making an adequate amount of progress. Well, for two teenagers living in a tent, that is.

They walked to the graveyard, in hopes to find his parents. The wind was chilling, but carried the sound of the church voices very well. Hermione sauntered around, finding different names that somehow sounded familiar to her. When she tried to get Harry's attention, he was standing motionless in front of a large tombstone.

'In loving memory of James Potter and Lily Potter'

His tears came instantly.

Hermione waved her wand around to create a small wreath, and she too, was crying.

"Happy Christmas, Hermione."

"Happy Christmas, Harry."

The reoccurring dreams did not happen that night. In fact, there were no dreams at all. Instead, I woke up with chapped, dry lips and sticky tears crusted to my cheeks.

I couldn't breathe through my nose. It was stuffy and red. When I inhaled through my mouth, a sharp pain would shoot through my abdomen. I resorted to turning over and taking in little puffs of air.

Through by blurred vision, I saw Daphne sleeping with her back facing me. Her hair was always perfectly combed, unlike mine which was tossed about and stuck to my face. On my night stand, there was a shiny ornament.

It was odd. I didn't feel the need to decorate this year, and hardly could remember that it was Christmas morning.

I used all the energy left in me and sat up. The ornament had white and blue snowflakes lining the brim and, in neat writing, it said 'i'm sorry.'

I rubbed my eyes to see it better, and then glanced at Daphne. My lips quivered into a smile.

How could I stay angry at her?

She didn't do anything wrong, not directly at least. She was just doing what she needed to do to keep herself safe. In a way, I wished I was as strong as her.

I felt my self regain some of the emotion that I lost. Placing the ornament back on my night stand, I grabbed another blank one. And, took out my paint set.

Daphne awoke a couple hours later. It was late afternoon.

I made sure to clean up the paint on the ground and get some food from the hall.

"Good evening," I said, and placed some water and biscuits on her nightstand.

She stretched, and yawned, and looked a little confused. "Evening?"

"You slept through the day. It's Christmas!"

"Oh- I-" She blinked. "Did you see it?"

I nodded and handed her a box with the ornament I made. It had the same type of snowflakes on it with little white and yellow daffodils.

She looked up at me and laughed. "I really am sorry."

"For what?" I sat down at the edge of her bed.

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