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I watched snow melt into water. As winter drew to a close, this was a peculiarly magnificent sight to see. While the Inquisitorial Squad was off hunting like Umbridges' little puppets, I sat in my dorm room, watching the water drip off the petite branches of the trees.

It fascinated me, the snow. How it was once the pure color of white, peaceful and refreshing, forming into this clear symbol of life.

I could say I was splendid at Herbology, the only thing distracting would be having Potter as a partner.

Fucking hell mini Greengrass.

I could also say that the sketchbook right beside me was not empty, it's filled with drawings of different types of rain drops, water puddles, and even the chilly dew that is produced on the edges of windows.

Living is a blessing, something many of us take for granted.

And water would be the core support of it.

"The gate closed again!"

"Little prats!"

"I don't know what you lot are on, but Draco crashing into that tunnel, on top of Filch, was hilarious."

The girls burst into the room, instantly slumping onto their beds. Daphne rolled her eyes. "Astoria, this isn't your dorm, leave."

Astoria pursed her lips. "Why should I?"

"Because you're annoying!"

"And what are you?"

Daphne smirked. "I happen to be the most elegant human to walk this ear-"

Pansy sat up and groaned. "Will you two shut up for once? I think Shallow's in a love trance."

All three of them looked at me. I shifted into a better posture. "What? No, I don't know what you're talking about-"

"That's not her love trance," said Daphne, "that's her water drop trance, get it right."

My expression was bland. "Water drop trance?"

"You only ever stare at two things in the world, Potter, and water drops."

Pansy laughed while fell mindlessly onto my own bed. "You make me sound like the lamest person on earth."

"I'm not wrong."


"Speaking of things Alicia would die for." Astoria clapped her hands together. "What happened with Potter?"

"Oh the project is finished, handing it in tomorrow."

"No, I meant last night!"

I snorted. "Please, more shit happened between Nott and I."

"What!" Daphne practically stumbled and fell out of her covers. "You must tell me everything!"

"He was drunk and stupid." I shrugged.

"When is he not stupid?" Pansy uttered.

"On a scale of Draco to himself, he would've been a Goyle."


I watched as Daphne's teeth sunk down into her bottom lip, staring blankly at my bed frame. Then, there was a spark in my brain. The perfect idea.

Valentines day was right around the corner.

Now I knew exactly how to finish off Daphne's little bet.


"See, he's right there!" I dragged Daphne down the stair into the common room, where Theodore was sitting calmly on the couch.

"This won't work!" She said, trying to pry my hand off her arm.

Ignoring her, I sat to the opposite side of Theo. "Nott."

He looked startled. "Why hello my lo-"


"Right, sorry."

"I think a certain someone would like to go out without on Valentine's Day." I grinned.

Theo widened his eyes. "You would?!"

My smile fell. "No you tosspot, read the room."

He was gaping. "I don't get it."

Daphne was staring at the floor while I cleared my throat. "They have blonde hair."

He was silent for a long time, the gasped. "Malfoy wants to ask me out?!"

I slapped my palm over my face. "It's Daphne, idiot!"

Daphne's mouth fell open. Theodore tilted his head, intrigued. "Well alright Daph, I didn't you were so interested."

"What- I-"

"Madam Pudifoots, Valentine's Day. I'll see you there." He winked, then walked out of the room.

Daphne was frozen. "What did you do?!"

"I just got you the date you've been longing for!" I laughed.

"Well now you need to come with me!"

I scrunched my brows. "Why?"

"I didn't think you'd be able to pull this off!"

"Well then this is your sign to never underestimate me." He smirked, and climbed up the stairs.

A/N; I hate this chapter 😃

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