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Harry POV;

"What is it with you and that Shallow girl?" Ron asked.

"I tutor her, that's all." Harry responded. "And she has nice skin... I guess."

"Nice skin?!"

In reality, it is so much more. If Ron could just stay awake for once, he would know. But it seems he isn't as clueless as we all thought.

He'd disapprove of it, Harry knew that. All of them would, Hermione, Ginny, Fred, and George. But a little secret couldn't hurt.

For his entire life, he had to keep secrets and hide away from those he couldn't trust. Is it wrong to want more than a that?

Why does he always want what he can't have?


"So, how was your detention?" Daphne asked me the next morning during breakfast.

"Alright. Tiring, I suppose."

"Ah yes, I reckon that's why you woke up extra early this morning." She nudged me. "You're hiding something."

"I just didn't want to be late for class, that's all."

"It's Sunday."

I slammed my fork down. "Will you let me eat in peace?!"

"Alright, alight." She held her hands up in surrender. "You can be impossible at times."

I watched the entrance of the Great Hall as Harry walked in with Hermione by his side. He was wearing his red and yellow Quidditch sweater. Granger was showing him some sort of book, but he just looked at me and smiled with a little nod, making his way to the other Gryffindors.

I grinned to myself and looked down. Daphne gasped from beside me. "That's it!"

Startled, I looked up, "What?"

"The way he looked at you!"

"Shhh! Calm down!"

"Oh Old Sluggy's such a matchmaker! I bet you weren't even failing potions! Astoria's going to freak-"

"You can't tell anyone!"

"Oh, why not!? This is great news-"

"If word of this gets to the wrong hands, like my parents, for example, I won't see the end of it."


"I'm sorry dear, Adrian can't have visitors at the moment."

"Madam Pomfrey, I just need to talk to him once; I got his favorite chocolate as well." I held up the Honeydukes package with a hopeful smile.

She hesitated. "Oh alright, but just for a moment."

"Thank you!" I quickly scurried in and sat in the chair next to his bed. "How's it going, Pukey?"

His head was wrapped in a thick bandage. The white color contrasted greatly with the slight, but vibrant color of blood on one side. His eyes glistened when he looked at me. "Ah yes, Lovegood's nickname seems to be sticking with you all."

"Do you need a new bandage? This one is a little stained."

"I'll be alright." He propped himself up with his elbows. "I heard you've been giving Weasley a bit of a hard time."

"It was just one spell an- and he deserved it!"

"I don't deny that. I'll be stuck here for a while, and even after that, I won't be able to play Quidditch."

I frowned. "Well, I wouldn't want you to... after all that you've been through-"

"I've also heard you've gotten yourself detention." Adrian said, changing the subject. "With Weasley... and Potter."

I dramatically sighed and dropped the bag of chocolates onto his sheets. "Who's telling you all of this?"

"Why, you can't believe I'm completely oblivious, can you?" We sat in silence for some time before he broke it. "For years I've watched you look at him the same way so many other boys looked at you."

"We don't need to talk about this-"

"You like him, Alicia, it's obvious." He picked up the package of chocolates. "I will be honest, I don't approve of it; I also really don't have a choice. I'm not sure what happened between the two of you, but you've been happier lately." He smiled at me. "And if you're happy, then so am I."

And the hope in his eyes made me realize that it was a sincere statement.

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