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Following the Inquisitorial Squad to the fifth floor of Hogwarts was definitely not how I wanted to spend my evening. But Astoria insisted on me going, then questioning Harry about his secret meetings.

"You know what to do?" Asked Daphne.

I rubbed my eyes and answered in a glum tone, "no."

She sighed and swung her head back. "Just tell him that you were supposed to meet for the herbology assignment."

"I don't understand why it ma-"

"Look there's Potter!" A random Slytherin said, making all the rest of them hide behind a wall. Daphne stared at me, then nudged her head, telling me to go up to him.

I took a deep breath in. "Oi Potter wait up!"

Harry looked back at me then gave me a quizzical look. "What are you doing here?"

I froze. "Er- you were supposed to- meet me in the library for the herbology assignment."

His eyebrows knit together while he slightly scrunched his nose. "No?"

"Yes! Professor Sprout said-"

"Proffessor Sprout said it was an in class project, Shallow. How did you even find me here anyway?"

Amazing question. That I don't know the answer to. "I always take walks around Hogwarts- oh yeah the fifth floor is just my favorite!" I lied.

"Mhm, listen I don't have time for this. If you really need this much help understanding plants, we can meet in the library tomorrow after class."

I shook my head. "Oh no, that won't be necessary-"

But he didn't listen.


And we were both sitting in the library silently, the next day after class. Harry kept glancing at the clock every few minutes, and I couldn't help but wonder why.

I cleared my throat. "Do you-"

"I have to go." He quickly said, standing up from his chair.

"What? Why?"

He started to pick up his books. "It is none of your business."

"We haven't even been here for half an hour."

"There is one Gryffindor who is highly fond of herbology." He swallowed thickly. "Neville Longbottom, he can help you."

I narrowed my eyes. "Really? And where is Neville?"

"He is also busy right now, but he can help you er- later."


He attempted to pick up his book once again, but I slammed my hand on top of it. "Potter if you couldn't tell, this is not about herbology anymore. Why are you in such a hurry?"

His gaze constantly flickered from me to the book until he started to walk away. "Fine, you- you keep the book."


Again, he left without an explanation, so I did whatever a logical human being would do.

I followed him.

And yet, he was going up to the fifth floor. I hid behind a pillar, watching him stand in front of a random wall.

The fuck?

The wall slowly formed into a giant gate. I let myself peer inside, and there was the room full of mirrors and students.

Of course they wouldn't tell the Slytherin's about this. Honestly, I'd say it's for the best.

I want to say that I'll go straight to the Slytherin common room and tell all of them about it. But what's the point? As Theo said 'it's the Inquisitorial Squads job,' not mine.

Potter's secret is kept safe with me.

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