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Harry POV;

One week.

No letters, no owls, no contact.

In a week, he had been, moved, hijacked, and sabotaged.

But no word came from her.

One week.

Discarded, crumpled notes scattered throughout his room at the burrow.

Where did you go?

Are you safe?

Do weasels dig burrows?

The unfamiliar feeling ate him alive.

For one entire week, Harry isolated himself beside the window, hoping for a bird to come chirping by.

Instead, it was just the thud of a small pebble.

I hoped the Weasley's wouldn't mind a little vomit in their marshes.

After the gut turning journey, I could've lost enough blood to perish. But, the lucky potion hand me turned enough to not care at all.

It looks like a shoe, I thought, watching the lanky building from my spot where I had fallen to the ground.  Like a rusty boot.

Though my internal shoe debate could've gone on for ages, a lamp turned on through a window at the corner of the house.

I took a sharp inhale and started searching through the darkness around me. A rock- pebble- anything.

What's the worst that could happen?

Carrot top could rat me out.

Ginny could hex me.

Arthur Weasley could turn me into the ministry.

But, all of those thoughts occurred to me after I threw the pebble towards the window.

There was a moment of stillness. Absolutely nothing happened.

Until it did.

About a minute later, green eyes popped up from underneath the frame. I took whatever strength was left in me to lift myself up.

The figure disappeared, but not long after, the front door opened. My legs shook as I tried to stabilize myself.


I hadn't noticed that I was holding my breath until I exhaled. The relief that flushed through me was unimaginable. "Your riddling skills need a little work, Potter, you couldn't even fool me."

He bolted towards me, and now his silhouette became more prominent. When his arms were around me, nothing mattered anymore.

"I had to make it slightly obvious, for someone like you," he muttered into my hair.

I laughed into his shoulder. He put both hands on my cheeks and kissed me, hard. The action spoke so many emotions, so many words that are too complex to utter, but perfectly understood with a kiss.

I attempted to pull him closer but my shaky arms wouldn't allow it. He froze.

"You're hurt."

It could've been the potion fading away, but I suddenly felt faint. "I- I'm-"

He slowly pulled a hand away from my face and looked down at the bright red smear on the palm of his hand.

"You're bleeding!" His voice broke. He softly touched my shaky arm and I hissed. More blood dripped down my forearm.

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