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Daphne's room had an oddly amazing view of the gardens. Of course, it was this particular evening when I was captivated by the rain falling from the chalky grey clouds. Perfect for sketching.

And of course, it was right when I picked up my quill when Astoria and Daphne squealed giddily, practically falling through the door. "We have an idea!"

"How exhilarating," I hummed, not caring nor wanting to hear more.

Astoria pulled me up. "Please listen! If this doesn't work- well, we won't have to talk about that because it will!"

"We go back to Hogwarts in less than a month!" Said Daphne. "Plan A, you lure him in with a love potion, then when it wears off, he'll be so amazed with you that he'll never want to leave!"

I almost laughed at her confidence. "Really? Someone tell me it's April first."

"It's actually August elev-"

"I'm joking," I sighed. "And I really hope you are too, a love potion? That's bloody barbaric."

"Alight then." Astoria smirked. "We'll go with Plan B."

"Which is?"

They both seemed a little more shy presenting this one. "We'll increase your sex appea-"

"Do. Not. Finish. That. Sentence." I spoke, articulating ever sound in every word.

They let out a breath. "Plan A it is!"


"You know where to find love potions around here?"

Diagon Alley was the darkest i've ever seen it before. The lights of almost every shop we're dim, even Zonkos made me feel wretched.

"Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes should do." Astoria skipped across the path, slightly splashing our shoes with rain water.

"What will our parents think when we tell them we're shopping with the Weasley's?"

"They don't need to know."

A bell rang as we stepped in. I was instantly greeted with blinding lights and the strong aroma of fresh chocolate in the air. Both Daph and Astoria looked so cheerful. I'd say I looked miserable.

The girls scurried towards a pink table. I followed closely behind, trying not to be recognized by the thousands of people laughing and talking with their friends. "We get the potion and leave quickly, alright?" They were mesmerized by the bubbly rose bottles. "Alright?!" No use.

"Hello there ladies!" One of the twins, Fred— or George, I couldn't tell, slid in front of us on a ladder. "Found our love potions, have you?"

"Shit," I muttered under my breath, ducking my head.

"Do they work?" Asked Daphne, picking up a vile.

The boy smiled. "Of course they do, try it on anyone, I guarantee one hundred percent success... for a certain period of time.

Astoria nudged me with her elbow but I quickly shook my head, now attempting to walk away.

Daphne picked up a vile. "How much?"

"Three galleons!"

My jaw dropped. "Erm- it's a bit overpriced- and we really don't need-"

"Perfect!" Both of the girls shrilled, taking me by the arm to the cash register.

A/N; pretty short chapter but some interesting stuff is coming up ;)

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