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He's coming.

I hadn't dreamt like that in a while. The thrashing didn't wake me up this time, rather the pain on my arms and face.

To say we were lucky was an understatement. The Carrows clearly wanted to do much worse, but we left detention with a few mere bruises. Snape was being merciful, I thought, because the next time I was in his office, the sword was gone. Something in my mind told me he wasn't just hiding it from us.

It wasn't easy to get into Snape's head. I would call this a success.

On the other side of slytherin leadership, Slughorn's permission slip got me in and out of the restricted section with ease. I was told to be discrete, after all.

The gate was rickety, but the books appeared untouched. There was only one single book about Latin, and all my hope laid there.

"Strange," Madam Pince muttered. "Children like you often sneak about the restricted section. Thieves."

"Oh, I would never."

"Of course." She checked me off.

Latin was a very broad language, and with the help of my new book, sitting under the tree, I found the missing page labeled 'Ser.'

'Servatur' meant 'souls.'

'Animarum' meant 'preserved.'

It was right under my nose the entire time, and I felt pathetic for not realizing it. I spent months trying to figure out Slughorn's message, just to find that it made no sense at all.

I sighed and dropped the book down beside me. The grass was greener, and I could actually see the lake now. It wasn't as cold, so I wore his red and yellow Quidditch sweater. It was Valentine's Day.

No one left the castle this year. There was no point. Madam Puddifoot's wasn't open, anyways.

The lake was, though, and this place held much more significance to me. I leaned my head against the tree and closed my eyes. I was alone today, everyone was off in the castle, enjoying the time they had left with the ones they loved the most.

The train compartments were big for firsts years on their last day at Hogwarts.

"Harry Potter? Why him? He's got that big old scar!"Daphne said.

"I dunno. He's funny."

"Funny? He took all of our house points!"

"No. Theo took all of our house points. Crabbe and Goyle too. We're putting this on ourselves."

Daphne looked at me as if she had no argument. "At least I won't be killed for fancying them."

Even without the sword, we have been making loads of progress. Neville and Seamus discovered a tunnel placed in the room of requirements.

"It leads to some pub in Hogsmeade," Neville explained, dusting himself off.

"There's people?" Ginny asked.

"Nah. It's abandoned, I reckon," Seamus answered. "The thing's falling apart."

"That's perfect. Easy escape," I said.

"Oi! Listen to this!" Dean called from the other end of the room. He had the radio on a table. We've had some time to renovate, as well.

"Greetings to all of our Potterwatch listeners. We start our broadcast with some sad news. Isn't that right, Rodent-"

"Rapier!" Another voice whispered.

Ginny smacked her hands against her face and sighed at her brother's remark. "Oh, Merlin..."

"Alright! Rapier! Today, we regret to inform you that the remains of Bathilda Bagshot have been discovered in Godric's Hollow. The evidence is that, despite her walking in Godric's Hollow, Bathilda died several months ago. The Order of the Phoenix is that her body showed unmistakable signs of injury inflicted by dark magic."

Another voice chimed in. "There was also evidence of a recent battle in her home, and the building next door."

Ginny gasped. "Months ago? We should've seen it in the post!"

"We have news on the recent murders during this past holiday, Ted Tonks and Dirk Cresswell-"

Dean cut off the radio at that.

Ginny shook her head. "That makes no sense. Why would they just attack an elderly woman, I barely know anyone who's even read her books."

"I've read 'A History of Magic.'" Neville said.

Seamus chuckled. "Of course you did, Nev."

I pursed my lips. "No, it does make sense. She lived in Godric's Hollow. If there's anything I remember from my parents demeaning stories, Harry's parents were killed there."

"You don't think Harry went back there, do you?" Neville asked.

I shrugged. He has made rash decisions.

Seamus grumbled. "That's mad! It's a trap, he's better off coming back to Hogwarts!"

"Well, he's not dead!" Dean said. "If he were, I reckon we'd all be too."

"You're right," Ginny added. "Alicia, did Harry ever talk about going back to Godric's Hollow?"

I blankly shook my head. "He didn't tell me anything."

Souls preserved.

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