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"I must respect my superiors' lovely— would match perfectly with the future dark mark my parents will force upon me." I raised my hand up to view the scar, shining with fresh blood.

The Slytherins around me gasped. Draco looked around before whispering, "you're getting a dark mark?"

His sudden interest caught me off guard. "What- oh no no no, it's a joke, we aren't even of age."

He quickly nodded and back away. Daphne looked at me. "You think Malfoy's been acting weird lately?"

"Since when was he not?" I whispered back.

She covered her mouth to hide her giggles. My statements made the entire room go silent, but I was still curious.

Malfoy seemed eager, almost relieved to hear about the dark mark. I glanced back at him, but he was staring at his feet with a clenched jaw.


"Gather around children!" Professor Sprout directed to a table with a gillyweed plant sitting in the middle. "You all did fantastic this term, Gillyweed is certainly a very difficult plant to grow."

Harry pushed beside me to get a look at the display. His robes faintly brushed my scar, just enough to make me let out a hissing noise.

"Oh- sorry." He glanced down a bit, then looked back up, appearing pained to see the wound.

But he apologized? Alright Astoria I'll play along.

"I know projects aren't many students cup of tea," Sprout looked at Theo, who was dumbfounded of all the attention. "But today, you will be given a Dittany assignment... Can anyone tell me about the uses of Dittany?"

Hermione Granger perked up and raised her hand. "The Dittany plant is incredibly useful when it comes to healing. The restorative traits can help create potions for numerous different casualties."

"Very good Miss Granger," the professor said, "page fifty-three of your books, due by the end of January."


"Are you sure the library is the best place for growing plants?" I whispered to Harry as he examined the herbology book.

"Yes, it's closest to the fifth fl-" he paused. "It's got a lot of information on herbology."

I felt the corners of my lips twitch into a smile, thinking about how nervous he must be. One wrong word, and his entire secret is exposed.

Well, it's not really a secret anymore, is it?

He tapped his foot anxiously on the floor, but instead of glancing at the clock, he kept peering at my hand. The one that's been carved by Umbridge's quill.

"Why did she give you detention?" He suddenly blurted out.

"Er- what?"

"Umbridge shouldn't have a reason to give you detention she- you're Slytherin."

"Oh," I laughed, making him clearly confused. "I didn't join her stupid Inquisitorial Squad, that's why."

He blinked. "You're not a part of her group?"

I laughed again. "Of course not, you don't think that low of me, do you?"

I wondered when he would look at the time, and when he did peer up at the clock, I sighed. He fixed his posture. "I have to go- again."


A/N; the trailer for this book is out now on my Instagram and TikTok (linked in bio)

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