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Harry Potter had mixed feelings of being called 'The Chosen One'. His face was plastered onto every news article you could find. He had girls swarming around him, following his every move.

Yet he was walking around the courtyard with me, his so called enemy, on Valentine's Day.

But, an enemy is just what I am from a bystanders view.

We walked to an area beside a pond, near The Great Lake. Harry sat down on the grass as I did the same. "Would you call this a date?" He asked, suddenly.

"Considering how well our last one went, I wouldn't want to," I said jokingly. "This would be a... business meeting."

"Ah," he uttered in a slightly disappointed tone, laying down fully. "Rather casual meeting, don't you think?"

I moved myself closer to him. "It can be a date."

Harry smiled, staring up at the sky. "So we could discuss our business at Madame Puddifoot's cafe?"

"And get pink glitter all in my hair? No way!" I laid the same way he did. "That shit gets stuck for weeks."

"I thought girls liked it there." He turned his head towards mine.

"Who gave you that idea?"

He then quickly sat up. "We should talk about getting proof against Malfoy."

I lightly kicked him. "You started something, now finish it!"

"You said your friend Greengrass is dating-"

"It was your old girlfriend, wasn't it?"

"And Pucey has-"

"Cho Chang?"

He paused. "Yes."

I sat up with him. "Really?"

"Yeah, she liked cute romantic things like going to Puddifoot's, are you happy?"

"Why would you break up with an older girl like Chang?" The corners on my lips were lifted by his expression.

"She broke up with me."

My jaw dropped and I started laughing unintentionally. "Oh poor Potter, you weren't used to that were you?"

"Quit it! I wanted to for a while, she just beat me to it! I think I was... being a gentleman." He smiled awkwardly as if that was a sentence to take pride in.

I grinned and took the collar of his shirt, moving his face closer to mine. "Don't worry Chosen One, I think you're a fine gentleman."

The abruptness wiped that cheeky smile right off his face. I couldn't help but smirk as his hands trembled, not knowing where to go. I took his glasses and set them on the grass, leaning in next to his ear. "Want to go for a swim?"

His eyebrows knit together, but I didn't give him time to speak before toppling sideways into the pond, dragging him with me. The water made a huge splash, and my grip on Harry's arm became tighter.

"Why did you do that?!" He ran his free hand through his hair, wiping water from his face in the process. "It's freezing, Shallow!"

I laughed. "Did you think I was going to kiss you?"

His features relaxed. "Well, that'd be nicer than this."

I went forward and ruffled up his hair again. "I think we'd make better progress inside."

"I'd have to agree." He scrunched up his face.


After drying ourselves off with the drying spell, we sat on the ground in Harry's dorm once again. There was a large, heart-shaped box lying on his bed. I picked it up. "What's this?"

"A box of chocolates, read the label," he said sarcastically.

"Well obviously, but from who?" I flipped over the card. "Ah, 'Romilda Vane' what an elegant name," I said with false interest.

"She's a fourth year," he clarified blankly.

I flipped around. "Going younger now? Oh, Harry Potter, what a ladies man!"

"Oi! I could be going to Puddifoot's with her, but I'm here with you."

"Hmm, I reckon you're right." I opened the box and sat back down. "Why don't you eat the chocolate?"

"Don't eat it!" He yelled, making me jump. "It's laced with love potion."

I snorted. "How do you know?"

"There's a Wizarding Wheezes sticker on the back." He took the box and threw it in the bin. "She's been trying to get me on these for months."

I turned to face him fully. "Y'know, I wanted to put you on a love potion once."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"At the beginning of this year, Daphne and Astoria wanted me to give you a love potion, they bought one and everything!"

"That's mental!" He let out a concerned laugh. "You used it?"

"No! I didn't even want to get it."

He slid closer to me, completely silent for a second. "Then why do I feel like you did?"

I chuckled nervously. "What do you mean?"

He sighed. "I think about you, so, so much.."

Our proximity made me tense. "Are you going to push me into a pond right now...?"

He smiled. "The only thing that held me back was our social statuses, but I think that's a terrible excuse."

Was he thinking straight?

I gulped. "Harry-"

"And that. Say that again."

"What are you saying?" My lips parted in shock. "We- can't-"

"Why can't we? I spent my entire life dodging death, I think I can put up with glares from your mother!"

I almost didn't know what to say. This sounded like something Daphne would do as a prank; charm herself as Harry and confess to me impulsively. "It's not just glares! Harry, this could ruin both of our lives! We'd be dead the second anyone hears of it."

"I understand that!"

"Do you? Really?" I took a shaky breath. "I heard bed time stories with the main plot being your death! How could we-"

"So you'd rather keep messing around?" He didn't falter. "We've both said it before. I don't want to be some secret game any longer. Don't you want more?"

He looked much too adamant and it made me lose control. I wanted everything more. I wanted it more than anything.

So, I put my hands on his shoulders and kissed him. He already had his arms around my torso, as if he knew it would come.

"I'll take that as a yes," he mumbled against my lips while I pushed his back against the ground. I could feel his jaw clench then unclench as his hands traveled to the hem of my shirt.

I pulled my mouth away ever so slightly just to kiss jaw and near his ear. "I'll be honest, I wanted to hear you say that ever since second year."

He let out an amused sighed and pushed our lips together once again.

Our original plans were pushed aside in my head. All I knew is that I didn't have to go on a date at Madame Puddifoot's to celebrate Valentine's Day.

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