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Something about a green v-neck dress made me uncomfortable.

Perhaps it was because of the way a seventh year Slytherin couldn't stop ogling at the silver embroideries.

But he wasn't a Slytherin, not really. Harry had charmed himself to look like such. Though I knew it was actually him, it would've been better if his sweater was red instead of green.

"Quit staring."

"I can't look at my girlfriend?"

"Not when you look like someone who hexes first years for fun."

Pansy couldn't have found a better time to throw a party. After Malfoy's rather unfortunate appearance, he would be forced to show up.

We decided to take advantage of it.

"You've worn that dress before," said Harry as we walked through the dungeons.

I shrugged. "Probably, I don't really keep count of what I wear to these things."

"You wore it the night we took a walk after I got hit in the face with a firework."

That's specific.

"Oh, I guess I forgot," I lied. I remembered it vividly.

He seemed disappointed with my lack of memory, but he didn't say anything more.

If there was anyway to lighten up the Slytherin common room, it would be with Theo's flashing lights. I strolled ahead, looking for Draco. He was sitting on the couch next to Astoria and a group of older boys.

"Alright, all I need to do is lift up his sleeve." I turned to Harry and he was just glaring at Blaise Zabini and Theo across the room. "If anyone touches you, their ankles are in the air."

My lips parted at his sudden threat. "Er- I think i'll be fine on my own. If anyone asks, your hobby is stupefying bunnies in Hogsmeade."

He gave me a droopy frown. "I'll be at the punch table."

The room felt like it could trap you when everyone's faces were in yours. A little 'excuse me' wouldn't cut it. With a few shoves in the shoulder, I made it to the couch.

A whistle sounded from Goyle but was instantly shut up by my glare.

"Oh Malfoy, it's been so long!" I glanced at Harry who was downing a shot of fire whiskey with his eyes narrowed at the couch. "Mind accompanying an old friend with a dance?"

The boy looked almost repulsed. He turned to Astoria for approval who just smiled in return. I pulled his pale hand up and faked a grin. "C'mon, let's catch up."

My hand was placed firmly around his left wrist. He would squeeze his eyes shut when ever I applied pressure.

"What's wrong?" I asked with mock concern.

"Nothing," he replied, attempting to pull his arm away.

"You look hurt." I lifted up his hand once again. "Is that why you haven't been in class?"

He sucked in a breath. "That's none of your business."

"Of course." I smiled. "How rude of me."

"What are you doing?" He seemed to have noticed how my fingers were inching closer to his sleeve.

"What do you mean?" I held his eye contact.

As soon as I managed to lift the fabric up, he jerked it away.

"What's on your arm, Draco?"

His nostrils flared as he aggressively fixed his sleeve. "Nothing." 

His excuses were lame, but it didn't matter. I saw it. All twisted and dark in all it's glory.

"Please, Alicia, listen-"

I didn't listen. I pulled my hand away and lifted up his sleeve.

I've seen it in newspapers. In the sky, after murders. I've seen it during meetings. I've seen it on my own fathers' wrist. And now, it was on Adrians. A black skull, laced with green.

The Dark Mark.

I didn't know how long I stood there, how long I stared at his hand. But then, Adrian was gripping my shoulders. "Alicia, say something, please."

He was staring into my eyes, but I couldn't bring myself to do the same. "You're protecting me, huh?"

"Yes, yes I am," his words came out in one breath.

Now, I was looking at him, and I was raising my voice. "This is how you 'protect' me?!"

"I needed to tell someone, to tell you-"

"Did you need to become a death eater? How could you!"

He tried to hold my hand. "Please, keep your voice down."

"Don't touch me!" I smacked it away. "Did you expect me to congratulate you?"

"No- I just needed to warn you!"

"Oh, bullshit! Do you know how much people have warned me this past year, Pucey?"

His face fell. "Pucey?"

Now, my eyes didn't only water for Adrian, but for Malfoy as well.


It was dark in the common room, at night, without the fire. Only the slight glimmer of the moon made it possible to see the emerald green walls.

My eyes were wide awake, but a walk around the halls would help me sleep.

That was until my back violently hit the wall.

In the matter of seconds, my wrist was grabbed and a wand was pressed against my neck. I gasped as I felt a breath against my face.

"You will tell no one what you saw, you hear me?"

I struggled against his grip. "Malfoy?"

"You have no idea what I'm capable of, Shallow. Do not test me," he sneered. "Potter isn't here to protect you now, is he?"

How does he know.

I could feel his nails leaving marks on my arm. "Let- go of me!"

"Take this as a warning."

He left as quickly as he let go.

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