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The Inquisitorial Squad bursting into the common room, cheering that they "found a way in" would be the worst part of my evening. Apart from them recruiting me as their spy once again, upon Daphne's request.

Did I mention Umbridge was there too? Despite my infinite tries stop them, I was constantly reminded of the message etched into my skin— 'I must respect my superiors.' It irked me to death.

"Didn't I tell you lot that there's nothing behind that wall?" I laughed nervously, rubbing the back of my neck.

"You were probably looking at the wrong wall then." Said a student named Millicent Bulstrode.

"Oh piss off."

I waited until all of them were distracted by the gate, and then made an attempt to escape in a separate hallway. The feeling of relief wouldn't stick for long, as I heard a large bang coming from the wall.

She did not just break down a wall, she couldn't have. Could she?

I was now surrounded by different students, when any of them would take a glance at me, they would move away like i'm some sort of monster. I felt guilty for something I wasn't even to blame for.

Yes, she could break down a wall.

"Shallow!" Someone yelled, but it took me awhile to look them in the eye, until they were in front of me. "How did they find out?" Harry asked.

"What? How would I know?" I squinted.

"You're the only one involved-"

I blinked. "Are you blaming me?!"

"You followed me that day, I saw it!"

"Look, Potter," I raised my voice, "I understand that you have this horrible picture of me, but you need to get out of this corridor instead of arguing with me. If they catch you-"

"There he is!" It was Draco, Theo, and Goyle, running towards us like they just spotted a cauldron of gold.

"Knew we could count on you, Alicia!" Theo bellowed as Malfoy and Goyle grabbed Harrys arms.

Harry shifted. "I thought you weren't a part of Umbridges' squad!"

"I'm not!" I felt even more guilty than ever, watching the look on his face while they dragged him back to Umbridge.

All progress lost.


Umbridge is head mistress.

How could Dumbledore just 'disappear' to leave this sickly woman in charge? I've always had a bad feeling about that man, but why would he make it so obvious?

Apparently Potter hasn't gotten expelled either. Some odd part of me sort off wish he did. I was so angry at myself, and I had no idea why.

As if this situation could get any worse, I got a letter from my parents the other night, and ever since then, I couldn't dare to even go near the lanky piece of parchment. I'd have to meet their gaze again soon anyways, so for now, i'll pluck up the courage to read the godforsaken note.

The wax seal shined gold. The traditional, Shallow family seal. I did not give much notice to it, more concerned with the sweat on my hands bleeding through the paper.

Eventually, and by that I mean very soon, I could either be hearing terrible news or- yeah, that's is the only option I truly have. There are so many things that could be said. "Alicia the dark lord wants you to become a death eater," or, "we have an arranged marriage planned for you."

Infinite possibilities.

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