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TW; torture.

Harry POV;

Maybe it was the way her tan skin glimmered under the dim light.

Harry knew, even with on eye sealed shut, that something had changed. She wore a long-sleeved, dark dress. She fit so perfectly with the uncanny atmosphere. He knew, his Alicia wasn't afraid to show herself.

Malfoy was in his face too, but that didn't matter. Her bright glow had dissipated. It left sunken cheeks and bony arms. Her eyes became dull, and it was clear that she wasn't just afraid, she was terrified.

What had they done to her?

Were they starving her?

He needed to take her from them, but first, he needed to save himself. In the cellar, when she followed behind, a weight was lifted off of his chest. She was still gorgeous, but her face was unreadable. She wasn't smiling, but she wasn't scowling either.

It didn't matter, then, because for the first time in a while, Harry was smiling.

Until it was wiped off at her hand striking across his face.

He was clutching his cheek with his mouth wide open, and his eyes squeezed shut. When he looked back at me, there was no sign of anger. In fact, it was more like admiration, and it made me realize that I wasn't angry either.

I kissed him full on the mouth, feeling his arms wrap around me tightly. I took his face in my hands, and noticed the stubble on his jaw. It was real now, not a dream, or a nightmare. He was here.

He was fucking alive!

We broke apart, gasping and clutching at each other for support. My hands had moved to his shoulders, letting his shirt wrinkle under my grasp.

"Damn you! I thought you were dead!"

Harry let out a breathless laugh and leaned his forehead onto mine. "Alicia..." He said it like he couldn't believe I was real.

Ron was watching, almost undisturbed. "Blimey, couldn't even find a corner."

"Missed you too, Weasley."

Harry looked back, staring at a shadowy figure from behind us.

"Ron? Harry? Alicia...?"

"Luna?" Harry and I both muttered at the simultaneously. Ron used his Deluminator to shine a light.

"Mister Olivander, look who's here!" Luna exclaimed, coming into view. "It's Harry Potter!"

I looked past Luna to a man slumped against the wall. It was the wand maker, left weak and frail. A goblin sat next to him.

"Hello, sir," Harry said. Olivander seemed very troubled.

I turned back to Luna. "We were so worried about you, what happened?-"

A loud, piercing cry came from above. I flinched and looked at the gate. Hermione was screaming hysterically, begging for mercy. Ron banged at the gate, shaking the bars. "We have to do something!"

"There's no way out. We've tried everything," Olivander muttered.

I went back to the gate, realizing that it was enchanted. I cursed myself for my own stupidity. Harry kneeled down and grabbed something from his ankle that was soaked with blood.

"You're bleeding, Harry," Luna said.

"What is that?..." I asked as he pulled out a shard of something that seemed to be a mirror.

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