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"Come on, Alicia!"




Whenever Theo and Adrian planned this 'huge' Slytherin party, I most definitely was not informed. As Daphne's attempts of getting me to join failed, she became even more annoying every time.

"I can call Astoria if I need to." She crossed her arms.

"No!" I jumped up from my bed. "You don't need to bother Astoria about this."

She smiled. "So you'll go?"

I gulped. "I er- I never said that-"


I clamped one hand over Daphne's mouth. Pansy snickered from her end of the room, keeping her gaze on the book in her hands. "I don't understand why you're so bothered, it's just a party."

"And if Umbridge finds out? I've already gotten a detention, and let me tell you-"

Pansy rolled her eyes. "There's a spell called 'muffliato' ever heard of it?"

I sighed. "Well, I've got nothing to wear."

Daphne squirmed and pulled my hand off her mouth. "I've got the perfect thing!"


"Green with silver? Talk about basic Slytherin shit." I spun around in the mirror, wearing the dress Daphne got me.

"Stop moving!" Daphne yelled as she continued to touch up my makeup. "Perfect!"

I tried to itch my nose, but she stopped me. "You're going to smudge it!"

"I've got an itch!"

She placed her hands on her hips. "Well, you've got no other choice now, the party's in five minutes!" She left the dorm to enter the common room.

I waited in my dormitory much after the party started. All I wanted to do is curl up in bed and fall asleep. Then, I thought about the things Daph and mini greengrass are capable of doing if I don't show up.

I shouldn't be this frightened of a fourth year, should I?

Brushing off my dress, I stood up and walked down the stairs.

The common room was packed.

Music booming through magical speakers, lights of different colors flying around. I wasn't going to lie, I was pretty bloody impressed.

I pushed through a group of students laughing and dancing. Theo was standing next to a long table filled with beverages and food. When he saw me, his eyes lit up. "Alicia! Glad you can make it," his words came out in a slur.

He took my arm, and pulled me closer to his chest. I flinched. "Woah- what-"

"Shhhh." He placed his hand on my back and dipped me. The lingering smell of fire whiskey hit my nostrils, making me scrunch my nose. "You know how Potter has been ditching you every day?"

I was still attempting to push away from him. "Yes-"

Theo pulled me back up and spun me around. "Why don't you date me and make him jealous?"

"Jealous? Theo- I don't want you use you."

"You can use me all you want, love."

He leaned towards my lips, but I pushed away. "We'll talk when you're er- sober."

I was walking to Astoria and Pansy when Adrian got in my way. "Alicia, looking stunning as always."

"Thank you, er-" I peered behind him. "One question."

"Ask away."

"Why are people drunk?!"

His lips formed a thin line. "Well- we- may or may not have had an interference with the Weasley twins, but everything else seems fine!"

"Sure." I said sarcastically, then saw Astoria gesturing towards the portrait hole. "I'll be back."

"What is it?" I asked when I arrived where the two girls were standing.

"Looks like I didn't have to tell the entire Slytherin house about your love life." Astoria smiled.

I groaned. "Get to the point."

"Open the gate!"


Pansy looked to be agitated. "I've waited for too long, I'll do it!"

The door swung open. My heart leaped when I saw who stood in front of us.

Harry narrowed his eyes as the bright lights shown through the gate. "You said we could meet for the project today?"

"Di- did I?" My mouth hung open as I slowly started to turn my head towards Astoria.

He rubbed his eyes. "Well, you seem pretty busy-"

A vibrant green light flashed directly in his face. He froze, looking shaken up. I didn't know much of what happened with Cedric Diggory last year, but his reaction told more than what I needed to know.

I pushed him back and shut the door, joining him in the corridor. He blinked hard multiple times. "Sorry- I don't know what happened-"

"You don't need to explain yourself." I sighed.

Harry cleared his throat. "You can go back, if you'd like."

"Nah it's fine, the music was giving me a headache anyway."

I saw him crack a small smile, but stayed silent. "Well then, do you want to go to the library-"

"Actually, let's head to the courtyard," my words were said before I could think, "a walk sound nice."

"A walk?"

"Don't tell me you don't know what a walk is, Potter." I started towards the dungeon exit, as he followed.

We paced around a castle for a couple hours, talking, staying a good distance away from each other; mostly just staying quiet. It was pitch black outside, but neither of us would bring up the question to go back in.

This was progress.

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