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Harry POV;

When she opens her bag, she will find a potion and a note.

The note, two sentences.

Harry did not like keeping secrets.

The potion, a small vial full of greater possibilities.

He didn't like the way he acted when drunk, either.

And so a potion and a note was slipped into her bag. He knew she would have better uses for it than himself.

Theodore Nott was perceptive.

In other words, insightful. Noticing the smaller details, but only for the things he truly cared about.

Some may perceive this as being selfish.

"No wonder it smells like burnt cow dung in here." I let my bag fall next to the chair in which Theo sat with his legs up into the table; a quarter gone cigarette in between his fingers.

Instead of looking, nor acknowledging me, he turned to Daphne who sat next to him with a book clasped in her hand. "You hear that, Daph? She speaks."

His expression was belittling. As if I was some first year offering them sweets for a trip to Hogsmeade.

"What are you on about?"

Theo took another puff, then crushed the bottom in an ashtray. "Daphne, do you have the Potions notes?"


"Oh! I do." I began to open my bag.

"You do? Are you not failing the class?"

"No... I never really-"

"Mister Potter is so helpful, isn't he?" He said in plain mockery.

I sighed. "Don't give me this shit, Theo. Do you want the notes or not?"

"I want you to explain why you haven't come back to the dorms the last couple weeks." He crossed his arms as if just stating the most menacing statement yet.

"Weeks? It hasn't been weeks. Daphne-"

Daphne looked sick and pale. "We haven't spoken in a while, Alicia."

"W-what do you mean? We were together on my birthday!"

"You're birthday was a month ago."

It seemed like the rain and thunder hadn't stopped for days.

Boom. A flash of lightning struck in the sky.

I gulped. "Alright, well, I'm here now. Fill me in."

"It doesn't work that way," said Daphne.

I stared at her shrunken figure. Something small Theo did not notice. Possibly because he did not care. "What do you mean? And Daph, are you alright-?"

"Do you know why Astoria is allowed to be as rebellious as she is?" Theo cut in. "She's promised to Malfoy, that's why."

"You know, sometimes you have to learn how to shut up, Nott."

"That's what they do, Shallow," he continued. "They sell the bad ones off to be free but betrothed. It keeps them in check."


"I'm not following-"

"Oh, but you, Alicia. But you're so free it's unbelievable. Do you know how many purebloods would kill for your hand?"

"I don't care."

"And that's the problem! You don't care! You're taking it all for granted." He came closer to whisper, "and when Potter leaves you, uses you for your connections, you'll regret every second of it."


"I don't understand what that- how did you- how does everyone know-"

Daphne's lip quivered, and everything I once knew came crashing down.

I sucked in a breath. "Daphne...?"

Tears started spilling spontaneously from her eyes. She was silent though, and almost motionless. All she did was nod her head.

I felt my heart drop down to my stomach. Suddenly, seeing her cry, seeing her guilt made me feel weak. Like a pawn surrounded by knights and queens.

How could she have done it? And for all this time, I blamed Parkinson.


I bit down on my lower lip and looked at Theo. "If you had an idea of half of the things that went on this week, I reckon you'd have at least a little bit of remorse for me, Nott."

"You're ruining yourself! You need someone who can fit your standards."

"I don't need you to tell me what I need. The last time I checked you needed me so keep your bloody mouth shut."

He gave me the most unbidden look I'd ever seen. Like I was supposed to read his mind. "Of course I needed you! But now I know you were so infatuated with Potter to notice anything else!"


I glanced at Daphne again. Her eyes were bloodshot.

"Do you even hear yourself right now? How can you lecture me about my perception when your words come out of your mouth, kill everyone who hears them, but flies over your own head! You're a selfish piece of shite!"

"We're trying to help you!"

"We? This seems kinda one sided, in my opinion."

Greengrass was sobbing.

"You're making a mistake!"

"Go fuck yourself, Nott!"

I held in my own sob and looked at Daphne for a last time. Her eyes were practically begging for forgiveness.


I held my breath and shook my head before turning towards the common room exit.


That was not the sound of thunder.

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