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"An army?"


Harry and I were sat opposite from each other on floor of his doom room. I still had no idea how the room was nearly always empty.

He didn't say anything, so I spoke again. "I know it sounds bizarre right now, but think about it. Voldemort may be a bitch, but he's not stupid."

"No, you're right," he said. Harry stood up and took something from his nightstand. I noticed that it was his special potions book. He opened the book in front of us. "This book doesn't only have potions on it, there's also spells. I've never heard of them before, but they could be useful."

"Alright, so... what are you implying?"

He hesitated for a moment. "Er- I think we should do what we did last year, y'know, Dumbledore's Army?"

I shook my head. "You don't even know what those spells are! Someone could get killed."

"Hundreds people will be killed in the next few years! We need to fight back."

"That's not my point!" I shut the book. "I don't know who this Half Blood Prince is, but I don't think a sketchy school potions book will help."

"You sound like Hermione." He sighed. "The Half Blood Prince has taught me more about Potions than Snape has in six years!"

"So that's how you've been passing?" It was more of an 'aha' moment than a question.

He threw his head back. "That's not my point."

"See?" I slid myself closer to him. "We're not going to get anywhere if all we do is disagree."

He stared back at me blankly. 

"When I saw Adrian's Dark Mark, I knew Malfoy could be one as well," I started. "He's recruiting new, young people, and he may get his old ones back as well." 

"But, they're in Azkaban?"

"They escaped before, they can escape again."

He nodded. "I promise I'm not thinking out of impulse. I think Dumbledore wants me to fight."

"He shouldn't be making us do the dirty work for him!" I tried to say, but it came out a bit unconvincing. 

Harry scanned my face. "Alicia, tell me the truth."

I paused for a second, and my lip quivered. "I'm scared." I felt pathetic for tearing up in front of him. "I know we need to fight back, trust me I know. But all those people, I spent my entire life with! My friends and family... they're all..." My words faded away, but he waited patiently. "They're so excited, and it's terrifying! I hate the fact that they're on the 'dark side' but I love them nonetheless."

Harry stayed silent. He pulled me closer to him, and I tried to hide my face in his shoulder. "I can't help it."

"I know."

After minutes of silence and an abnormally long hug, I felt a small amount of relief. "Harry?" I said, against his sweater.

I could feel him stiffen and take a heavy breath. "...Yes?"

"I got your shirt wet."

He held me tighter. "That's okay."


After we walked out of his room, we found his two friends sitting in their common room. Granger and Weasley. They looked up when they heard us; I wanted to back away, but Harry put a hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

"Er- hey guys," said Harry.

"Hi," they both retorted simultaneously. 

I cleared my throat. "We were just- studying Potions." I hated how quiet I sounded.

Weasley whispered something to the girl which made her elbow him in the side.

"Well, yes, and we talked about defense... and the war," Harry completed.

Weasley scoffed and glared at me. "Defense? For all we know, she's probably defending the wrong side!"

Harry opened his mouth, but I stopped him. "Can it, Weasley, or you'll be puking slugs again." My voice was sharper this time.

"She's with us, actually."

"Of course she tells you that," Weasley mumbled loud enough for us to hear.

"Okay, then," Granger uttered. "Alicia, is it? Tell us what you have."

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