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We were already near Hogsmeade when Daphne said, "why don't you go with him— i'm sure he'd appreciate it much mor-"

"Too late." We stopped at the gate of Madam Puddifoot's cafe. "You switch up way too fast."

"Hello Daphne." Theo rested his back in a large booth for two. "Alicia, I er- didn't thing you were joining-"

"Oh no! Don't worry, i'm leaving." I smiled at Daphne while she frowned back.

The door made a clink as I left the cafe. Hundreds of students would be out having fun today, and here I was, walking alone back to the castle.

Well when I think about it that way, I sound pretty pathetic.

So, I turned around, and headed to The Three Broomsticks. A cauldron cake would be good for me at the moment.

I thought about sitting down at a table by myself, taking out my sketchbook, and drawing whatever I see out the windows. But when I got inside, all the tables were packed.

People were swarming around the counters. Couples were staring at each other with hearts in their eyes. "Excuse me, do you have any empty tables?" I asked a waitress.

"I apologize dear, but we are very busy today." She responded, and went on to assist another group of customers.

"Oh!" The worker suddenly exclaimed, "we don't table, but it looks like we do have an empty chair, why it looks like it is beside Harry Potter!"

Someone pinch me please because this is fate at its worst possible state.

I swallowed. "Thank you, ma'am."

I paused before taking the seat. "Is er- anyone sitting here?"

Harry flinched at the sound of my voice, then turned his head to see me. "No,  I was just about to leave."

I sat down. The fact that he wasn't actually leaving— like he said he would— made the situation much more awkward. And then, the most stupid question came to my mind, "so- you don't have a date either?"

No- no- stop- what are you doing?

"Oh, I have a date."

My mouth slightly fell, but I closed it before anything was noticeable. I don't want to say I was in shock but- yeah. I was in shock.

False alarm. Progress is paused.

"We're meeting up at Pudifoots."

Progress is slowly decreasing.

I widened my eyes to appear interested, even though he said everything so glumly. "That's- great!"

"I suppose."

I swear to Merlin, Alicia, if you don't get your arse up this moment-

But I didn't need to. Harry sat up, and left the diner all himself. "We'll stick with the original plan then," I mumbled, and pulled out my sketchbook.


Daphne was very secretive about whatever happened with Theo on Valentine's day. I decided that I wouldn't bug her about it. After all, I myself didn't tell any of them that Potter supposedly had a girlfriend.

I thought I was getting somewhere, but when I look back, I was just some girl he was forced to do a project with. Now that I think about it, he should be terrified of me. My father told the entire family, and I quote, "I was there that night. Oh that pathetic Diggory boy was just laying dead on the grass while Potter was stuck against a grave stone. The dark lord is a genius!"

How could he speak so lightly about this situation?

My stomach twisted into tight knots. Even I was terrified of myself, my own blood.

It was today when I realized how pitiful this was. I would blame myself for the actions of my family- correction: everyone blames me for the actions of my family. I won't wait for Potter to break up with his girlfriend when, even if he does, who said he doesn't blame me as well?

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