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"Telling mini Greengrass about this was your best idea? Ridiculous." I said, walking to herbology followed by Daphne and Pansy. "What could she possibly understand about my feelings?"

"She has gone through our letters to each other during the summer holiday. Trust me, she knows everything."

"Settle down children!" Professor Sprout started the class. "This is your fifth year at Hogwarts, OWLs year is most likely going to be the most stressful one yet."

I tried to take my usual spot next to Daphne, but to my utter bewilderment, Pansy was sitting right where I was going. She smirked and gestured across the room to an empty desk. Right next to Harry.

I wanted to shake my head 'no' when the Professor noticed me. "Miss Shallow, I do believe that to proceed learning this lesson, you will need to find a seat."

I looked around the room for a bit more before taking my seat beside Harry, who narrowed his eyes at me while I sat down. "Got any pumpkin juice laying around?" He said in a snarky tone.

Ignoring my urge to make a rude come back, I placed my focus back to the front of the class. Professor Sprout cleared her throat. "The assignments this year will be rather difficult, which is why most of your work will be done with a partner."

So this was their master plan huh?

"As you may have already guessed, whoever you're currently sitting next to will be your partner for the rest of the term."

Of course.

I turn around to see Harry looking directly at me. "Oh I'm just so thrilled."


"You're doing it wrong, you need to add soil to the plant first." I attempted to take the watering can out of Harry's hand.

He moved it away from my grasp. "If I'm correct, Shallow, you're supposed to be in charge of the fertilization, not fixing my mistakes."

I tried to stop focusing on him, and more on the project. "Well you're not correct because this is a team effort, and if you're wrong I have every right to fix your mistakes."

He raised his brows and picked up the herbology textbook, flipped through it for a while, then pointed at a sentence. "The Gillyweed plant, unlike other herbs, grows in only water based habitats. Soil wouldn't be needed in the process of fertilization for this peculiar shrub."

Shit. Alicia you knew that, what is going on?

"So am I right?" He tilted his head to see my face.

"Yes you are. Sorry," I said, still trying to keep my gaze away.



I sat next to the girls in the Slytherin common room after class. "That was the most stupid idea you've ever had."

"The most stupid idea Astoria has ever had," Daphne corrected me. "And besides, you get to spend every herbology class with him now, I don't see the issue."

"The issue is that all he sees me as is a half-witted cocky Slytherin."

Pansy snorted. "Are you not?"

"Very funny."

"I've got all bet's on the room of requirement!" Theodore shouted from across the common room, "they've got to be in there!"

"Who's got to be in there?" questioned Pansy.

"Potter and his clan." Said Draco, brushing down his robes. "Filch suspects that they're doing 'secret magic lessons' in the room of requirement."

"So it's the Inquisitorial Squads job to catch them!" Theo added.

Maybe saying Astoria's idea is stupid was an overstatement.

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