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I sat with my face buried in my knees, letting the shower hammer down on my back. I was there for a while, letting my fingers prune up and trying to wash away the thoughts from my head.

Blaise was in the least of them. But, he didn't need to go too far to help me realize that I can't hide forever. I decided that I would go home for spring holiday, and act as obedient as possible. Running away and not going back helped me gain absolutely nothing. For now, I can lock myself up in my own confinement for the wintertime.

I turned the shower knob off and took my time drying off my hair. Ten minutes later, I exited the common room, kicking at some empty beer cans along the way. Today, the paintings did not shout when I turned my wand light on. I reckoned they were all riled up with the ruckus that was going on down the hall to care.

When I reached the seventh floor, the wall immediately shifted into a door. I had gotten pretty good at that. "Sorry, I'm a bit late..."

All the children seemed to be enjoying themselves, learning new spells. It was nice to see smiling faces after all that's happened. Ginny and Dean came to greet me. "No worries. Where have you been?"

"Just got.. caught up with something in the common room. It's really nothing."

Dean nodded. "Neville's been teaching em' about medical herbs, but we haven't gotten very far without you. Do you have any new potions?"

I smiled. "Of course." And walked past them to the front. "Alright, everyone. I know this is all very exciting, but with the holiday coming up, it is important to understand the reality of it all."

The group went quiet very quickly.

"Outside Hogwarts grounds, we have to fend for ourselves. But, if all else fails, we will have to recover as well." I cleared my throat. "For our last session of the year, let's take a look at some Dittany."

"I was really hoping you'd change your mind," Harper said as I walked her to the the train stop.

I smiled. "Don't worry. I'll be right here waiting for you when you get back."



Her big eyes made little crescent shapes when she smiled. Her hair was fizzed up and in two little braids. "Oh! I made you something!" She exclaimed and started shuffling in her bag.

"Oh, Harper, you didn't have to-"

"But I wanted to!" She pulled out a half-sheet of parchment and handed it to me. It was full of little scribbles that very clearly resembled a face. The pen lines were made with very elegant strokes, far better than anything I could've done.

"Wow... you made this?"

"Mhm!" She nodded proudly.

"Thank you.. it's beautiful!" I looked down at her and placed it in my own bag, then reached for my sketchbook. I flipped through the pages until I found the one I was working on when I met Harper on the train.

I ripped it out and gave it to her. "For you."

She gasped as if it were a masterpiece. "Really?!"

I smiled. "It's all yours."

She jumped up and clung onto my neck. "Oh, thank you! Thank you!"

I laughed and reciprocated her embrace. She was so small and delicate.

"I don't care what people say, Alicia, you're the best big sister ever!"

My heart shattered into a million pieces. How could I let this little girl go off to fight for herself? Where she would be hurt and confused...I wish I could think positively in the middle of this whole mess.

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