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Harry POV;

She was beautiful. Her dress fit her perfectly. The gems complemented  her eyes, and they glinted in the dim moonlight coming from the windows. She was clinging onto Harry like she had nowhere else to go. Her words sounded so unnatural, so- so-

And then he realized.

"Are- are you- you smell like-"


Of course.

There would be no other explanation to why she'd be wandering around the halls in a formal ball gown. She was drunk.

"You need to go back." Harry wished it was that easy to persuade her, but Alicia Shallow was as impossible drunk as she is when sober.

"Kiss me, Harry." The words came out of her mouth so easily, and Harry wondered if she meant them. Not a kiss, but his name. Her voice was so delicate and soft. He wanted to hear her say it again, but now he couldn't waste any time.

"I'll help you go back down."

Alicia didn't respond. Harry looked down at the girl in his arms; her eyes were shut, but she still had her soft smile. The rise and fall of her chest was cohesive to the sound of her breaths every second. Her skin was smooth and a little shiny from makeup.

"Alicia?" A quiet voice said from somewhere in the dark corridor. "Oh, I was worried sick! I-" Daphne Greengrass's words cut off when her eyes met Harry's. They stared at each other awkwardly; her expression was of mere confusion.

Harry broke the silence. "If you think I did anything to her, I promise, I didn't-"

"Oh I know you wouldn't." Greengrass was looking at Alicia now. "I'm just glad she's alright."

Harry gave her a nod and she spoke again. "I'll take her back, we have classes in the morning, after all."

"I think that would be best," he said.

As she walked away, carrying her friend, all that was on Harry's mind was Alicia's words. She couldn't have meant them, her words were drunken and spoken out of emotion. But, he also wished the same thing.

"I don't want us to be a secret."


There are so many things that can cause a headache; stress, anxiety, concussions. I'd say hangovers are the worst component. 

"Wake up!" There was a slight tap on my shoulder.

I groaned and flipped over. "Stop yelling."

"I'm not yelling, dumbass, wake up!"

I threw my pillow at whoever stood above me. She sighed. "Greengrass should be paying me for this."

I opened my eyes, but then jumped when I saw Pansy standing over me. "Let me sleep."

"Alright, but you're going to miss Potions."

"Oh shit!" I stood up, maybe a little too fast because I instantly stumbled backwards. I realized that I was still in my dress from last night and-

Last night.

All the memories came flooding back. The party, The Fat Lady, Harry.

I asked him to kiss me! What kind of a fool does that?

"So what? Are you just gonna stand there or-"

"Nope! Leaving right now!" I cut Pansy off and ran into the bathroom with my robes. 


"Dittany, as many of you have heard, has an exceptional healing power. Healers use it in a plethora of different- ah, Miss Shallow, I see you've decided to join us." Professor Slughorn smiled.

I cleared my throat. "Er- yes, I apologize... about that." 

In the large group of students, of course Harry had to be the first one to meet my eyes. He looked back down when he noticed I was staring right back at him. 

I sat down next to a random Gryffindor. 

Glancing around the classroom, I realized that Malfoy wasn't in his usual spot at the back of the room.

Must be sleeping in after the party, I thought. But, then again...

Was he even at the party?


When the school bell rang, signaling the end of class, I made it my first priority to pick up my bags and run right out of the door. The dark classroom made me feel uncomfortable, and my headache was still raging. Those are definitely the only two reasons. 

"Merlin, you walk fast!"

Reason number three.

I looked at Harry and tried to gain composure. "Potter, I don't have the time to talk, so if you will excuse me, I'd like to not be late to Herbology."

"Don't have time to talk?" He started walking with me. "You should've seen yourself last night."

"Will you be quiet? You'll give us away!"

"Last time I checked, you said you didn't want us to be a secret."

"I said a lot of things. I was drunk."

As we stepped down the stairs, I accidentally slipped on my robes. Harry leaned to help me, but a book fell out of his bag. He quickly picked it up and hid the cover.

"What is that?" I asked.

"It's er- nothing."

I narrowed my eyes and took it from his hands. The cover read Advanced Potion Making. "You stole a potions book?"

"Yes.. I did." He snatched the book back and started walking away. "Have fun in Herbology!"

How strange.

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