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"I can't believe they made Weasley a prefect," said Theo, slouching back on one of the Slytherin couches, "lost thirty house points for hexing a second year."

"Well maybe you shouldn't hex twelve year olds." I looked at him with a bland expression.

He pondered for a minute. "Nah, they piss me off."

I turned my head to where Daphne was, "why do you wanna date him, again?" I whispered.

"He's hot." She shrugged. "Why do you wanna date Potter, again?"

"I don't."

"You do."

"Shut up."

She turned her head back in triumph. Astoria and Draco came down the stairs bickering quietly. It was hard to make out their words, but the closer they got, the louder they became.

"I think you know not to doubt me, Draco."

"You're so sure that Potter will fall under her trap?"

"The 'her' in question is right in front of you!"

Malfoy looked baffled to see me casually sitting in the common room on a normal evening. He cleared his throat rather harshly. "Shallow."

"Malfoy." I fixed my posture. "Speaking of me now are we?"

He looked side to side. "It's not too late to join the Inquisitorial Squad."

I gave him a confused look. "Okay?"

"And er- we'd like you to join."


"Okay- alright-" He looked down to his feet. "Greengrass tells me that- you've got special connections with Potter."

Now they had my attention. "Exactly how much has Astoria said about Potter and I?"

"Oh now that doesn't matter does it?" He swallowed thickly. "Could you possibly- spy for us?"

"And why would I want to help you-"

"Ah there it is!" Astoria stepped in front of Draco. "I know much more about this Potter situation than I've told Malfoy, so consider it as- blackmail." She smirked in confidence.

Damn it.


I rested my head on the palm of my hand, tapping my quill on the side of my desk while Umbridge rambled on about new student interviews.

At this point, all I cared about was the bell ringing. And when it did, I was unhappy to hear Umbridge's voice call me over to her desk. "Miss Shallow," she started.

I clicked my tongue. "Yes, Professor?"

"Mister Malfoy tells me that you have refused to join the Inquisitorial Squad."

"And Mister Malfoy would be correct."

"May I ask why?" When I didn't answer, she directed me towards a chair. "Please, sit."

I did sit, but stayed silent. Umbridge hummed, "Alicia, I am sure you're aware of the fact that every Slytherin joined, excluding you."


"And they are all becoming very successful people."


The professor seemed amused. "Oh you've got some nerve, is this what they teach nowadays in wealthy, pureblood households?"

"No. This is what I teach myself in my perfect, knowledgeable brain."

"Of course, of course," her voice trailed off. "Now what do they teach you?"


"You're family, you're magnificent family, what do they teach you?"

I let out a chuckle. "Nothing of value, sort of like what you teach in this ghastly classroom."

Might've crossed the line on that one.

"Ah a big mouth as well," she observed, now suddenly more intrigued. Her face was millimeters away from mine. "How would you like taking it to detention?"

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