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Half Blood Prince

I used my fork to slightly push around the pieces of leftover food on my plate. Barely listening to the yearly announcements or even paying attention to the sorting, I contemplated on trying to fake ill until first term was over.

The entire Slytherin table erupted into a sudden applause. I looked up, though I still didn't expect to listen. Every other house stayed silent.

"You look like rubbish," whispered Adrian

I reverted my eyes back to the table. "Piss off."

"Just something to keep in mind. Now off to bed. Pip Pip!" I heard Dumbledore's final words and didn't even take the time to wonder what exactly I was to keep in mind.

I've taken enough advice for the year.


"If she doesn't get to breakfast, she might just collapse right into her potion!"

"Oooo! Let's not wake her up then!" I could recognize Pansy's voice while half-asleep, knowing we haven't spoken in a good three months.

"I can hear you." My face was smushed against the soothing fabric of the pillow. Somehow, the first night in the dorm was the most comforting. "If burning my face off in a potion means no love spell, wake me up after breakfast."

"Love spell?" Parkinson crooned.

"Oh we completely forgot to tell you!" Daphne took Pansy's hand, and they both sat at the edge of my bed. "We got a love potion and Alicia is going to use it on Potter!"

I flipped to my other side. "Parkinson, tell her it's a horrible idea."

"Are you kidding?" She replied in a tone that gave me hope that she would agree with me for once. "That's a hilarious idea! Oh I can not wait to see what a bloody fool you will make of yourself!"

I opened my eyes. Seeing their hopeful faces made me want to dig my own grave. "You both are a pain in the arse."


When I was eleven, potions was my favorite class of the day. With a secret passion for healing, I felt obligated to love it; I never thought I'd actually enjoy it as much as I did. Sometimes blowing things up had its perks.

Obviously, I was not very fond of the professor. Although we would never loose house points, over the years I've realized Snape's dislike towards other houses wasn't just about winning a trophy. I was rather delighted to see our new professor greeting me with a giddy smile on his face. Hair grease level: none. "Morning, Miss. Shallow!"

"You know my name?"

"I know all of your names, of course! Call me Professor Slughorn, please grab your book and take a seat behind the counter." He directed me towards a large table filled with different sorts of potions.

This won't be too bad.

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