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A/N; I've waited two whole years to write these next few chapters.

His kisses were smooth and sweet, like caramel.

"I love you." It was the first time I'd told him, and I mumbled the words against his lips.

He pulled back, holding my face gently in his hands. There was no hint of elation in his features, and my heart dropped. His face was pale, I realized.

"He's close, you know. He's coming."

I blinked, trying to take the grim image away. His voice sounded hoarse and quiet. Snake-like. "What do you mean?"

"He's here. I'm not."

When I opened my eyes, his words came true.

I released my grip on the duvet and stretched my legs off the edge of my bed. There was a bright sunshine coming from the peek of my curtains. I figured it was best to get up before the house elves came badgering at the door.

I stretched my arms above my head. When resting them back on my knees, I noticed how bony my wrists had become. Perhaps I hadn't had the time to realize before.

My wardrobe was filled with dresses that I refused to bring to Hogwarts. They were old, from balls and Christmas parties. Almost all of them were sleeveless.

I rubbed my eyes and chose a black dress in the very back. It would cover the entire length of my arm and was somewhat longer.

When I reached the end of the stairs, my mother was already finished. She wore a dark blouse and a long coat. "Oh, good, you've covered the bruises," she said while fixing her own sleeves, and then eyed me closer.  "You're quite thin, have you eaten?"

"No, ma'am."

She huffed and pursed her lips. "Well, there's no time now. We must make haste. Come along."

"Tea was lovely, Narcissa."

There were three sets of tea and biscuits on the table, and mine was left barely touched.

My mother continued, "It is just wonderful, such a joy in the midst of this dark time."

"Oh yes, of course," Mrs. Malfoy replied. "Draco has been ecstatic!"

I leaned forward, trying to contain a chortle at the thought of Draco smiling. My mother noticed and nudged my with her elbow.

"Astoria, too. She is such a lovely girl."

My mother nodded. "Absolutely stunning."

I started to tone them out, looking around the room. There were many bookshelves, but the books looked to have never been picked up.

"We must be leaving-"

There was a sudden ringing of bells around the manor. It echoed through the halls around us, and seemed to be coming from the outside.

Mrs. Malfoy hummed and looked out the window behind her. She tilted her hand and gasped. "Oh my..."

"What's happened?" My mother asked.

I, too, was intrigued. I stood up from my seat and started for the window, but my mother grabbed my arm.

"We've got visitors." Mrs. Malfoy was smiling ear to ear.

I looked towards my mother who was silent. She had a calm expression on her face, almost delighted.

In the corridor behind us, Malfoy and his father walked past. "Be calm, Draco. Keep an open mind."

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