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19 Years Later

The morning of September first, Adrian Harper Potter woke up with ink stains on his fingertips.

His brother and sister would often tease him for cherishing the old sketchbook he found in his mother's study, but in all honesty, it was all that he had. He was not brave like James, nor was he as kind as Lily. But, he was insightful. And with his observations came brilliant drawings that, as his mother would say, were made with elegant strokes, far better than anything she ever could've done. He drew faces, scenery, and even raindrops.

However, his favorites were the flowers that came after the rain.

Polar opposites have more in common than we think. When you mix the colors green and red, you get an icky brown. But to him, it was vibrant and lifelike.

Before he had even reached the age to attend Hogwarts, his dad had taught him how to produce a patronus. He'd taught him how to score every point in Quidditch. After any scrape or bruise, his mum taught him about different healing spells and medical herbs. She told him it was a learning experience, how not to take anything for granted.

They loved their children how they loved each other, endlessly and unconditionally.

If his insight was correct, they were the flowers that came after the rain. Adrian wanted to love someone the way Harry and Alicia Potter loved one another, being bound together and planting flowers in a garden. Not yellow, but red, to symbolize love and affection.

And when the storm stopped, and the raindrops turned to dew, the flowers would bloom.

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