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Daphne coughed. "How much further?"

"Complaining won't make the process any faster!"

"Merlin, okay!"

We were climbing along a dark tunnel. It would've had to have been hours since we left Umbridges' office. I peered up to find light peeking out from a small whole. "I see the light!"

"You're so dramatic."

"I'm not the one coughing."

I pushed the gate up, looking around the room. It was unoccupied, and in the far corner, there was a fireplace.

"Are you going to move?!" Shouted Daphne, "all I'm seeing is your bloody arse!"

We pulled each other up. Daphne let out another series of rough coughs. I immediately ran towards the fireplace. "We need to floo to the Ministry this instant! Merlin knows how much time was wasted in that tunnel."

Daphne brushed away the dust in her hair, grabbing the floo powder. "If you're wrong about this, Alicia, I'm going to hex you senseless."

I snorted. "Alright."

It wasn't until we stepped into the fireplace when my stomach started to twist in knots. That feelings was soon overpowered as she yelled, "Department of Mysteries, Ministry of Magic!"

Everything was black.


When our feet hit the solid floor, it sent an echoing sound all throughout the place. I was surprised to see it completely vacant, but didn't hesitate to lead the way to the Hall of Prophecies. I'd say hiding in that room for now was for the best because not long after, more people showed up.

It was Potter and his little army. They looked confused, some of them even bruised.

"This isn't good." Daphne gulped.

"Yes it is! That means I'm right!" Joy coursed through me, though the triumphant moment ceased when I looked in front of me. Prophecies. Thousands and thousands of prophecies all lined up in rows.

We slowly exceeded, being careful not to make any noise. The names were listed in alphabetical order; a lot of which I recognized, most I didn't. Then there was one I knew by heart.

I gasped right as my eyes landed on it.

'Alicia Shallow'.

"Daphne!" I yelled, and the glass orbs rumbled.

"Shhh!" She hushed, "what is it?"

"It- it's a prophecy! It has my name! It's for me-"


Daphne froze. "We have to leave-"

I ignored the chaos, my heart raced. "Did you hear me? There is a prophecy with my name on it!"

"Yes I heard you-"

Another bang. This time even louder.

She sucked in a breath. "We don't have time to look at it, there are other people here, and I don't mean Potter and his club."

"You don't understand!" I didn't even think part of me understood. "I need to listen to it!"

Another bang followed by orders made by older men. Screams of kids. Spells hitting the walls. The room shook relentlessly.

Daphne tugged on my arm harshly, making me topple forward, hitting the glass orb with my hand. This time, we both gasped.

The burning blue flames grew livelier. I held my breath, frightened by what I could've done. The voice that spoke was haunting. Something I will never forget.

"Her soul lies with the good. Her fate contradicts to her given name—Alicia Shallow—she will be the one with the answer. She will be the one who defied."

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