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I expect you to reply to this letter.

I almost let out a laugh at the first line. Like I'd ever write back to her.

I'm sure you've heard of prophecies, and the recent Azkaban breakout. I'd like you to stay calm, and focus on your studies. Only few words are able to describe the events that are yet to come.

Term is coming to an end, we have some very special things planned, but I'd like you to stay out of them.

Be careful this next month.

That wasn't- horrible. How many times does she need to tell me to 'stay out of this' before I get myself into it?

I'll answer for you. Twice. Because I was already intrigued.

Prisoners are now loose, and suddenly my mother feels the need to send me a letter? For all I know, they could be plotting against the school at any moment.

"Are you gonna stare at the wall or let me talk." Draco rolled his eyes.

I flinched. "Have you ever thought about approaching someone slowly?"

"No, and I'm not planning on it either." He stood still. "Professor Umbridge would like to speak with you."


"I assume you have been studying for OWLs." The headmistress held her head up high, stirring her cup of tea very slowly.

I kept my gaze down. "Of course I have."

"Look at me when I speak to you."

"Yes," I said, looking back up.

She smiled, her evil little grin. "I understand there are many distractions at a time like this, but please, focus on your studies."

"And you're having this talk- with every student?" I asked.

"Why of course not, dear, only you."


As fifth years, we are all required to meet with the head of our house at a specific time to discuss our career paths. I've thought about this since a young age, I wanted to become a healer. But, whenever any family friends would ask, my classic answer would be 'housewife.'

In fact, I don't believe anyone knows what I truly wanted to be. What a stupid answer.

Professor Snape being our interrogator, he would be the last to find out. We were walking through an empty hallway during the interview. "Are there any particular subjects you enjoy the most?"

I swallowed thickly. "Er- Defense Against the Dark Arts."

His voice remained cold. "Any peers who may distract you during your studies?"

Say Pansy, say Pansy.

"Harry Potter." I mumbled quickly, before getting the chance to reflect.

Snape seemed genuinely intrigued. "Really?"

"Well- he- likes to show off?" I lied.

The smallest of smirks laid upon his face. "Of course, just like his father."

"Excuse me?"

He cleared his throat. "Moving along." There was a pause, enough time to take my mind off the last question. "Now, which career path are you willing to undertake?"

Being a housewife wasn't a career, I wish I thought about this more before now. "Ministry Worker." I finally answered.

Snape stopped in his pace. "Ministry Worker, hm? Specific department?

I said the first thing that came to my mind. "Department of Mysteries."

Words couldn't explain the look on his face. "Is that so?"

"Y-yes." I hesitated.

He glared at me for a moment, then continued to walk. "Tell me what you know about the Department of Mysteries."

"Well," I pondered, "I believe that's where the prophecies live. Futuristic quotes made by Seers."

We walked in silence until stopping next to the Slytherin common room. "Very well, Miss Shallow, you are dismissed."

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