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I've never directly spoken to Neville Longbottom. But, from what I've gathered over the past seven years, he likes plants, and everyone else around him hates them. A felt a sort of pity for the bloke, who sat next to the only empty chair in the entire classroom.


As if curiosity hadn't already killed me, twice, I knew he would know something. Perhaps even more than myself. When Professor Slughorn freed the class to work on our simple lethargic serums, I turned to the boy with very faint hazel eyes. "Let's get something straight, Longbottom."

He gave a little jump, almost like he didn't know I was sitting there for half the class. Perhaps what Harper had said was true, or maybe it was just Longbottom being Longbottom, but the boy was most definitely frightened.

"You know where Harry is?" I whispered, and he looked genuinely confused.


"Where's Harry?"

He gulped. "You... don't know?"

I bit my tongue to keep my tone soft. "No- no that's why I'm asking you."

"Well, I don't know."

It was too much pressure on him. Why would he trust me? Did Harry even, truly, trust me? He left me. And was I wrong to think he used me?

"Neville," I said, and I realized his hands were shaky as he scribbled down the ingredients. "I don't want to hurt you."

"I know that. Harry used to say it."

"Miss Shallow," Slughorn called. "I believe you are a bit behind."

I glanced at the professor and picked up a miniature cauldron.

"What did Harry say?"

Neville didn't look at me. "He said we should trust you. Seamus never believed him... but I did. I'm surprised you don't know..."

I fiddled with the caldron, trying to process his words. "I guess I just wasn't trustworthy enough."

Neville stopped mixing for a moment, and I wish I could see his thoughts. "We don't know where Harry is, but we're trying to help him... in a way."

"How so?"

"Well, he doesn't exactly know it, but Ginny, Luna, and I, we have a plan."

I waited for him to continue. "Okay..."

"A Head Girl would be helpful," he said, finally.

Snape's decorating skills made Dumbledore look artistic. Both me and the Hufflepuff boy sat across from his menacing glare in the after hours of the night. "You two have been chosen for the honorary positions as Head Boy and Girl."

No shit, greasy.

"To earn respect, you must know respect." He emphasized the last 'T' in his bland monotone. "The task is simple. Clear the halls, guard the corridors, and under no circumstances, fool around." His last point was so obviously directed towards me, it was comical.

Snape cleared his throat and scanned both of our faces. "Shallow, you've got Slytherin and Hufflepuff. And-"

I panicked. "Eh- actually sir, I was hoping to do my round by the upper wing today, Gryffindor tower..."

Snape's eyebrows shot up. "Gryffindor tower is much too far from the dungeons. Is there any particular reason-?"

"Oh, no, of course not."

His lip quivered up in triumph. "Very well. Your round is set."

Once the Headmaster finished his extensive speech on proper hall manners, he let us out to complete our rounds. The Head Boy introduced himself to me as 'Thomas.'

"I'm Alicia." I shook his hand.

"I know who you are."

That made me shiver.

"Right- well, Thomas, would you mind switching rounds with me?"

He turned back around. "Why?"

I tapped my foot. "Just hoping for some new scenery, that's all."

He didn't want to, it was so evident, but-

"You thought I was scary?"

"I guess..."

"Yeah. We can switch," Thomas responded shakily.

"Oh! That's just wonderful!" I embraced him in an unconvincing hug, and he went stiff. "You're wonderful! I'll see you!" And I ran up towards the many stairs.

"Aren't you just ecstatic to see me here, Fat Lady."

She made no effort to hide her groan. "You must know, Potter is not here, child, and you must be in bed."

"Actually, I'm Head Girl, only doing my daily rounds."

She scoffed. "And whose foolish idea was that?"

"I wouldn't speak that way of your beloved Head of House, miss."

The portrait gave me a pointed look. "Fine then. But no entry without a password."

"Grata Domum."

She made a face of annoyance and started to swear, but was cut off by the tunnel flipping open.

The lights were dim, and the fireplace was on. Already, it felt so much warmer. Possibly, the only place in the school that hadn't changed completely. All those days I spent sneaking into the sixth year dorms...

Ginny and Luna Lovegood both wore the same confound expression. Neville seemed rather relaxed, and Seamus Finnigan was unwelcoming. If it wasn't clear by his expression, by his words, it was.

"Absolutely not."

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