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Harry POV;

Harry was never the kind to be able to comfort people. He usually waited awkwardly for someone else to come to the rescue.

That didn't mean he didn't feel bad.

He would never truly understand how Alicia could feel so much remorse for people like Pucey and Malfoy. But, of course, he didn't know them as well. 

However, he did understand the gratitude she has for them as her friends and family. Out of all people, Harry would surely know what it is like to lose them.


I could tell it was difficult for them to trust me.

With the knowledge they have of me already, I wouldn't trust myself either.

Granger is a very strategic thinker. She wouldn't cut me off without a reason. I reckon Weasley's glad that she's the slightest bit hesitant.

I just hope they trust Harry enough to let me in.

"Miss. Shallow, is something bothering you?" Professor Slughorn asked, waiting in front of the classroom.

I shifted in my seat, finding everyones eyes on me. "Not at all, Professor."

"I suppose you will be able to answer the question on the board?"

'When one happens to consume a poison, such as Garrotting Gas, how must they overcome their fatality?'

My eyes dropped to my hands and hoped whatever randomness I was thinking of would come into use. "Bezoar, Professor."

I didn't quite know what 'Bezoar' was; I've seen Harry write it down on some notes, and talk about poisons and such.

Slughorn looked pleasantly surprised, as if I wasn't supposed to know this. "Very good, you have been taught well. Five points to Slytherin."

Harry tried to contain his smile by pursing his lips and turning his head away.


"What are you doing for Valentine's Day?" Astoria was supposed to be studying; she had her quill in her hand, but it wasn't doing much writing.

I, on the other hand, was scribbling down Charms notes hastily, hoping to get it done as soon as possible. "Studying. Why?"

"C'mon Shallow, after all these years you finally have a reason to celebrate Valentines, and you're studying?"

"Okay, first of all, ouch. And second, I have NEWTs coming up."

Astoria chucked her quill on the table and crossed her arms. "I reckon you'd be the only one still in the castle."

"That's alright." I shuffled. "I wouldn't have a date anyway."

Daphne and Astoria gave each other a look. "What's the point?"

I shuddered which made the letter I was writing bleed into another word. "What?"

"What's the point with messing around? Does he really like you?"

"We're not messing around..." In a way we were. But we became a good team in doing so. "Why are we even talking about this?"

Daphne sighed. "You may always tag along with Theo and I."

"And third wheel? No thanks." I looked at Astoria. "What are you doing for Valentine's day?"

"...Shopping for chocolate."

"With your boyfriend, I assume."

Her face went white. "He said.. er- he said he was busy."

"Interesting." I wanted to question her more, but there were too many people around who could hear. As little as she could be, she has an odd talent of deceiving. So, I picked up my books and stood up. "I do have plans, actually, and they're with my books and the much more silent library."

I have plans for Valentine's Day. Harry and I are to discuss our ideas about Malfoy's little scheme. Taking advantage of the empty castle is the perfect time.

A/N; very short chapter, but I have something special coming in the next ;)

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