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I never thought i'd see a day when the manor was completely stripped away from its dark appearance. Some may say that it made it look more terrifying, the simplest things could also be the most formidable. Watching the ministry workers take away our furniture was certainly the most unsettling part.

"Are they planning to hurt us?" I whispered to my mother, hesitating to put my trunk down, ultimately deciding against it.

She solemnly shook her head. Her expression remained blank and unreadable ever since I returned. "I hope you have everything you need in that trunk of yours, chances are you won't be able to see any of your other belongings again."

I was surprised with how calm her voice sounded. She seemed so collected, but something in her eyes told me 'it wasn't the end.'

A loud shatter came from behind me. I shivered, thinking about the prophecy dropping to the floor.

"Oh clear everything off all you want, at least don't destroy it!" Mother screamed.

The noise came from the ornament given to me by Daphne on Christmas. 'Potter Lover.' Something in my heart ached seeing his name again.

I decided it was better destroyed. What was once amusing is now just another stupid decision made on my part.


We apparated to the Greengrass manor. Our families have always gotten along, though our morals are quite different. For example: my father got himself arrested for the dark lord, while their father is— well... sane.

Mrs. Greengrass embraced me with a hug, eyeing my own mother as she did so. She eventually greeted her kindly as well. Damn that woman can act. "Daphne, why don't you show Alicia to your room," she said, her eyes never left my mum.

Daphne slowly took my hand and ran with me upstairs. "She's been scared to let your mum stay."

"Why is that?"

"...Do I really need to elaborate?"

My lips formed a mix between a half smile and a grimace. You'd have to be insane to let a loyal follower of the dark lord into your home. "Right..." I sighed, "the ornament broke."

"Oh, that's a shame," she said quietly.

I tilted my head at her. "You alright?"

She gulped, opening the door to her room. "I've thinking about the prophecy a lot lately... I don't think-" She was cut off by someone suddenly jumping up in her.

I gasped, peeking through the doorway. Theo held her tightly while she still had a shocked expression on her face. "Got you, Daph, you had it coming!"

My lips parted slightly. He didn't notice me until I took a step into the room. "Alicia! Didn't think you'd be here already."

How could I be surprised? The biggest of grins spread across my face. Daphne shakily stood up. "Oh, Alicia, I was going to tell you-"

"You think I'm disappointed? This is brilliant!"

Theo smiled and swung an arm around her. "I told you she'd take it well."

I was happy for them, truly. But it was another sign for me give up on Potter. One side of Daphne's deal was already complete. So I just watched them, knowing they'd have a better love life than I could ever accomplish.

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