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Order of the Phoenix

"You're feisty aren't you?" He whispered soothingly into my ear. His warm breath tickled my skin. "How did I get myself stuck with a Slytherin for so long.. and like it?"

He pressed his lips on mine, our teeth clashing together with a sudden euphoria. Hands moving down my frame, caressing my tanned skin. He let his tongue slide across my bottom lip, then peppered kisses along my jawline--

"Wands away!"

My eyes shot open to the sound of Umbridge's irritating voice. She tapped the tip of her shoes on the floor in an arrogant manner, scanning the classroom.

"Of course." Daphne slumped back in her chair.


"You were sleeping idiot! Let me guess, something about Potter?"

I pursed my lips. "This class is boring, I'm just trying to cheer myself up."

"Oh yes, wet dreams are so cheerful." She said sarcastically.

"What's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem, but I'm sure your family wouldn't appreciate it."

I chuckled, "all they care about is blood supremacy."

"Exactly, what's your point?"

"My point is that blood supremacy is just a load of bullshit, and you'd be a bloody imbecile to deny that."

She looked displeased. "I think you're being irrational."

"Let's make a deal." An idea popped into my head as I ignored Daphne's statement, "If you stop criticizing me for my love life, I will get Theo to start fancying you." 

It seemed that she wanted to say something rude, but then her eyes lit up. "Really?"

I slowly nodded my head, taking my books out from my bag. Daphne didn't care to hide her smile. "Deal."


"Malfoy, I am not joining your stupid Inquisitorial Squad."

"Yes you are," said Pansy Parkinson, "Draco told you to, so, you are."

I pinched the bridge of my nose. "I think I have the capability to make my own decisions."

"Why can't you just cooperate like your dumb boyfriend?" She scowled, and pointed her finger towards Theo, who was showing off his badge to the entire table.

"Theo is not my boyfriend."

"Does it look like I care?" She tried to reach across the table and pin the badge onto my sweater when a small goblet of pumpkin juice caught my eye. "Hey, Pansy."

She groaned, "what do you want now?"

"How about a drink to help that big mouth of yours?" Without thinking, I quickly 'threatened' to splash the liquid in her direction. "Now if you really want to be all w-"

I opened my eyes, but the goblet was empty and- Pansy was- she was dry. The entire Slytherin table was laughing at Harry Potter, as he cringed looking at his soaked robes. "Lovely, anyone else want to have a go?"

I stood stiff as a board. My hands trembled slightly. "Oh Merlin, I- I am so sorry, let me-"

He waved me away, "don't worry about it, I think you've done enough."

Theo stood up. "Oi Potter! Come back! I've got some more pumpkin juice that needs some spilling!"

My mouth was still hanging open as I slowly sat back down. "D-Daphne what did I just do?"

She slightly narrowed her eyes. "Maybe- he's in a bad mood today?"


"Alicia it was just a bit of pumpkin juice! Will you let me into our dorm now?" Daphne shouted from outside of the room, where I was laying face down on my bed.

"Is she whining about the Potter situation? Goodness she's so dramatic." I heard Pansy's voice, before the door opened.

"Thanks Parkinson," Daphne sighed, then sat on the edge of my bed. "I hate to say it, but Pansy's right, you're way too dramatic."

I flipped over to face her. "This is the first time we spoke, and for all the wrong reasons."

Pansy laughed. "Pathetic. Did you really think you had a chance-"

"What she means is," Daphne interrupted, "remember our agreement from earlier today?"

The door swung open again, but it wasn't any one of our roommates. It was Astoria Greengrass, aka mini Greengrass, we all used to call her when we're younger. "Step aside, help has arrived."

My voice was muffled against the pillow, "I never said you had to get Potter to fancy me."

"I know, but I like a challenge."

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