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Astoria threatened to tell everyone about my infuriation with Potter. I wasn't going to spy for them, but she doesn't need to know that.

Thankfully, my days of pretending to spy are soon going to be over. Christmas break was right around the corner.

I have a love-hate relationship with holiday breaks. I get to getaway from all the other houses calling me names behind my back, only because I was in Slytherin. People need to learn to stop judging a book by its cover.

On the other hand, my parents loyalty went to the dark lord and the dark lord only. You can only imagine the types of things I was taught growing up. Going home never really felt like home at all.

It was too late to dwell over my family issues, but the perfect time to work on a certain herbology project. Potter didn't just leave the assignment alone, he left me alone with it, to do it all by myself.

And I won't stand for that.

I swung my feet off my bed, and picked up my textbook. While trying to unlock the door, Pansy woke up from her daily afternoon nap. "Where are you going?" She asked, in a groggily voice.

"To do the project, with Potter."

Her voice was now peculiarly intrigued, "oh?"

I rolled my eyes. "It's a project, get your head out of the gutter."

She laughed. "Potter left for holiday early."


"We don't know, Umbridge has gone mad and Dumbledore didn't care to tell us anything about it."

"That's odd."

"Yeah, so don't waste your time. Start packing for break or something."


I was never fond of the appearance of the manor. It was dark and gloomy, almost haunted looking. But this is what I'd be bound with for the rest of my life.

As my mother stated, pureblood women don't work. They sit around the manor, survive off of money, and serve for Voldemort.

Fun right?


I don't have a brother, meaning the Shallow family doesn't have an official heir. The reaction my parents probably had when they found out I was a girl, is frightening to think about.

In conclusion, I hated coming back home.

"Darling, please accompany me in the living room," my mothers voice was now calm, but still sounded daunting.

I entered the vast room, full of paintings and antiques. "Yes, mother?"

"How was term?"


Now that's a question she has never asked.

"Did you forget how to have a conversation?" She brought a fine glass of red wine to her lips.

"Sorry, mother, it was- good." I stood up straight.

"Lovely." She took another sip of her drink. "Your father has been speaking with Lucius Malfoy."

"Er- that's- wonderful?"

"I want you to stay safe at Hogwarts, I can not tell you what is bound to happen, but it can be a severe change."

My mother wasn't the kind to be concerned about many things, she kept a straight face and her words were painfully strict. But now, her features faltered in a way that felt off.

I slowly nodded my head, and started to back away. "Alicia," her voice sounded weaker than usual. "Please."

"You have my word."

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