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Harry POV;

Maybe it was the way her loose hair strands fluttered with every breath she took.

He could watch her sleep of hours.

Occasionally, her lip would quiver, sending a small mumble into the air. Much to Harry's horror, her face would stiffen, before returning to it's natural soft glaze.

Her nose was scrunched, suddenly, and her eyes were squished shut, causing deep wrinkles to form on her forehead. "No," she quietly breathed. Her entire body was quivering, now, and her arms jolted, tossing the quilt away from her.


"Alicia," Harry touched her arm, briefly calming her commotion. Her arm was then flung again. "No!"


Her fingers clutched the quilt, draining her knuckles of any color. "He'll get me.."

"Who'll get you?" Harry asked stupidly, fully aware she was still asleep.

Her hands relaxed before brushing over his arm. "He knows. He'll get me.."



"Shh." Harry hurriedly clasped her hands. "It's okay... no one's coming to get you."

Her rapid breathing steadily came to a decline. As if nothing had just happened, Alicia placed her head on his chest, letting her face become smooth once again.

While stroking her hair, he glanced at his desk. There was Regulus Black's fake locket, gleaming in the moonlight. Harry no longer needed to know who was coming to get her. He of all people would know, which is why he wouldn't waste his breath on saying some bullshit like 'it's just a nightmare.'

It wasn't a nightmare. It was reality.

I had the most bizarre dream.

I was still asleep, but up and thrashing around like a lunatic. I flung away Harry's comforting hands and squealed a bunch of petty nonsense.

"He'll get me!"

It was comical, almost.

It would have been if I hadn't actually woken up, clinging to Harry's chest like a leach. My desperation and his dormant body, sitting in an upright position against the head board led me to believe it wasn't a dream at all. His shirt was wrinkled up in my fist and he slept with his lips parted, and his glasses low on his nose.

That led me to believe he hadn't gotten much rest, either.

I felt guilty, suddenly. But, nothing could fix what was already done. The sun was just barely rising, so I ambled away from him, letting him sleep a few before being dragged away for any wedding propaganda he was entitled to.

Bill and Fleur were getting married later tonight. Rightfully, I haven't received an invitation. However, I was given the privilege to help with the venue... their backyard.

I flattened my hair with my fingers while treading down the stairs. Fluer was awake, alone and baking in the kitchen.

"Shouldn't you be getting your hair done, or something?"

She whipped around, startled. She had a tray of perfectly buttered croissants in her mitted hands. "Harry is usually awake before you," she remarked, truthfully.

I sighed and sat in front of the counter. "I think he's always awake. He deserves some rest today."

Fluer gazed down at the tray on the counter and turned to the fridge. "Will you have pumpkin juice?"

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