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I pondered over my mother's speech much more than I would have liked. It was clear that something was wrong. I don't have any interest in death eater business, but all I can say is that I was a pretty good eavesdropper as a child.

The first mistake my parents made was letting me stay outside while they had their meetings.

And when the words "kill" and "Harry Potter" are thrown around, you can't expect me to stay out of it.

Though my fascination of the boy who lived didn't start until my Hogwarts years, I heard of his stories often. With parents that are active supporters of Voldemort, the tales would told to me in very vulgar ways.

Long story short, I found out the truth of what happened to the dark lord by reading the books myself.

It was scary to think about. The dark lord coming back was terrifying to me. My fathers confidence has grown way too much over the last year, and I was afraid of him. The only place I felt safe was Hogwarts.

And after that small conversation with my mother, I don't feel safe anywhere.

I pushed my thoughts aside, and climbed out of my covers. Sunlight peeked through the drapes, making me squint. At the end of my bed, there were boxes of presents and letters.

I let out a heavy sigh and smiled slightly at the thought of Theo sending love letters on Christmas day. I reached for a box and undid the ribbon. It was traditional for Daphne and I to send each other hand made ornaments every year.

Decided to take the laughable route this year, make sure your parents don't get a hold of this... Happy Christmas!

- Your favorite, Daphne

The ornament was painted red with a silver brim. Words were written in white ink on the front of the orb.

'Potter Lover'

I tried to stifle a giggle. "That twit."

"Alicia!" My mothers yell broke through the house, "get up, do not make me send a house elf up there!"

My heartbeat quickened as I shuffled through the boxes, trying to hide the ornament. "Coming, mother!"

I ran down the steps, without bothering to get changed, or fix the nest on my head. Both of my parents sat on opposite sides of the couch. "You woke up rather late this morning." My father chimed.

"Sorry- I was opening my gifts."

"Hm, we have a note for you." Mum pulled out a letter. "The house elves were having trouble receiving it through the security, do you have any idea why?"

I tore open the envelope. When I saw who it was from, my heart skipped a beat.

Sorry, I'll finish the project after holiday, I promise. Happy Christmas- I guess.

- Harry Potter

I stared at the note for a long time; baffled by the fact that he even bothered to mention his disappearance.

"Who's it from?" My fathers voice made me look back up.

"Er- Adrian, you know him." I lied.

He chuckled. "Ah the Pucey boy, a true gentleman, really."

As father went away rambling about how lucky the Puceys were to have Adrian as a son, mother would continue to glare at me. Her focus went back and forth between the note and myself.

She knew.

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