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The world is full of petty little riddles.

Once again, I find myself trying solve those riddles; the same kind I solved last year. Two days left of break, but I couldn't wait that long.

My mother is terribly excited about something, it definitely has something to do with the Malfoy Manor being their property again. As far as I know, Lucius Malfoy is still in Azkaban, going insane with my own father. Merlin knows how long that will stay in place. Daphne is also suggesting that our home will be back as well.

And Adrian is a death eater.

My mind has the habit of blocking out negative things that could be true. I didn't want to believe it, but what else did I expect? He's still so young... 

If Harry tells me again that Malfoy is a death eater, I would tell him that I believe it.

So, I wrote him a letter.


I shouldn't write to you.

I was never supposed to be talking to you either, but here we are.

A certain topic came up during our conversation a few weeks prior; I want to tell you that I believe it. All of it.

And the ferrets not the only one. There's more. Probably more than I know. 

I think there's an army.

Please write back if you can. Happy Holidays.


I called an owl out to the window and gave it the letter. Good thing The Greengrasses security wasn't as strict as ours.


The owl came back without a note.

I wanted to tell myself that the disappointment was only because of Adrian, and whatever else happened in the past coupe weeks. But, I knew it wasn't.

 I wish he'd replied. It would've given me some reassurance; that I didn't just risk my safety to send away some piece of parchment. It would've made me look less of a fool.

Now, I'm looking outside of the window on the Hogwarts Express once again. Such a familiar sight that one can never get tired of. The compartment was not empty; Theo and Daphne had both fallen asleep with their arms sprawled around each other like little babies.

I also wish I could show that kind of affection in public.

The sketchbook that Harry had gotten me for Christmas was clutched in my hands. The mist and fog outside made it the perfect time to put it to use. The scene was much more glum than usual. There were dark trees in the background, half-covered by gray clouds and frost.

In a way, it felt more emotional. Possibly because I feel the same way. 

A burden that is upon my lungs and throat. A physical pain that causes me to lose focus at times, it never goes away. As much as I try. The amount of sleep that I've gotten in the past few days was very little. I would stay up thinking about Adrian. What kinds of things has he done? What made him think any of this was a good idea?

I missed him. I hated him, but I missed who he was.

I also thought about Harry. Not anything specific; just him in general. I thought it would take my mind off of things. It didn't. Somehow he knew Draco Malfoy was a death eater without any proven evidence. I could not get that out of my head. 

By the time the train came to a halt, and the two lovebirds stirred awake, the sketch was finished. I drew the trees, half-covered in fog, just how they were. Snowflakes and frost surrounded the little window. Everything was darker; it was all dim.

The drew drops on the windows looked more like tears rather than rain.


"I must say, Miss Shallow, I am very impressed by your improvement." Professor Slughorn took a sip of tea. 

"Er- thank you, Professor."

"You may be able to pass enough NEWTs to become a healer." He set his cup down. "Assuming that is still a passion of yours."

"Oh, yes! Of course it is."

"Very well then," he said. "You will not have to be stuck with Mister Potter for any longer."

"Oh-" I started up and him for a moment. "That- that's great!"

I knew I wouldn't follow up with that. The tutoring may be over, but we have bigger issues to deal with.

On my way out of the classroom, someone grabbed my arm. I was dragged into a small, dark closet. "What the bloody-"

The light was switched on. "Hi!"

I let out a deep sigh and smacked his arm. "You're such an arse, Potter!" 

Harry clutched his arm and flinched dramatically. "Alright! Sorry... how was your holiday?"

We were squished so close to each other, I could feel his body heat radiating onto me. "I-I'm not quite sure how to answer that question."

"Well, I'll tell you something." He smiled. "It may not be the best news for Slytherins, but did you know Pucey's not coming back?"

I winced at the mention of his name.

"One chaser short! If Gryffindor doesn't win this year, I don't know who will! The bloke must've taken a huge blow to the head."

We were both silent. I looked down at my shoes, and he eventually caught on. "Are you alright?" He lifted up my chin.

I wanted to change the subject. "You didn't write me back."

"What?" His tone sounded genuinely surprised.

"I sent you a letter, it was really important."

"Oh- I- I'm sorry, but I never got a letter."

My head shot up. "What? But- the owl came back and everything!"

"Maybe it lost it's way."

"That's impossible!"

"I mean- well, The Burrow did sort of... burn down..."

I gave him an odd expression. "The Burrow?"

"Ron's house- The Weasley's home, I was staying there."

"Oh- I'm so sorry."

We were silent again. But then, he let out a laugh. "We're a mess."

I smiled back. "We really are."

"So, what was so important that you had to tell me before break even ended?"

I pursed my lips, trying to think of a response. "It's too much to say right now."

He mimicked my expression. "Well then, tell me in my dorm tomorrow night."

I grinned and gave him a nod, backing away to leave. He grabbed my hand to pull me back. "Wait!"

"Wha-" He lowered his lips onto mine. It only lasted for a second, but that was enough to make my heart melt.

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