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I grabbed Daphne's hand while she was still clapping. She immediately tried to pull away. "What are you-"

"Look at Potter!"

She looked across to see Harry's dazed face, then almost laughed. "Did the fireworks make him pass out again?"

I smacked her arm and started to drag her back inside the castle. "Listen, I think the prophecy talk has something to do with him-"

"Bloody hell slow down!" She rubbed her arm on the spot I hit her. "Now, I thought you were done with Potter."

I paused. "Well, yes- I was-"

"Ohhh you still have love in your eyes! Alicia, if you-"

"That's not the point Daphne!" I yelled, my voice echoing through the empty halls. "I have a feeling, and it's very possible I'm wrong, but I need to warn somebody."


I truthfully had no idea what I was getting myself into, but this was the perfect opportunity to test out my theory. The ministry stayed very connected with Hogwarts this year, almost like they were trying to distract us. Generally speaking, I think all the warnings my mother gave me we correlated with each other.

Daphne and I were alone in the common room  as I told her about all of my suspicions. While we thought everyone else would be going back in to their classes, almost the entire Slytherin house strut in at the same time. "Umbridge orders all Inquisitorial Squad members to her office!"

Daphne stood up with great confidence while Adrian walked over to the both of us. "You too, Alicia."


The Slytherins were obstructing a group of Gryffindor's. I hid behind Daphne, watching Umbridge do some type of interrogation on Potter. One with hand restrainers and a whole lot of yelling.

"Tell me the truth!"

"I am!"


Draco laughed from the far corner while Ron Weasley flinched in his arms. I would've been opposed to being here, watching the toad practically abuse children; I was more concerned about my theory, and proving myself right. "What is she shouting about?" I whispered.

"I'm not quite sure," said Daphne, "I reckon they was trying to get somewhere with floo powder."

This threw me off. Where would he be so desperate to go when he needed to risk his safety by using the floo network? I was blinded with my own thoughts, apparently long enough for another conversation to unfold; in which I could only focus on one sentence.

"He's got Padfoot at the place where it's hidden!"

The place where it's hidden.

I spent all this time confusing myself when I just needed one answer.

The place where it's hidden.

Padfoot? I've heard the name before, whether they're a person or an inanimate object, it seems so familiar.

The place where it's hidden.

I'm sure whatever- or whoever that is doesn't matter though.

The place where it's hidden.

"What does he mean Severus?!"

The conversation around me sounded muffled, like my thoughts overpowered anything they said. I noticed Umbridge leaving with Harry and Granger, but could not pay attention— the answer was at the tip of my tongue.

The place where it's hidden.

Of course. I've got it.

The Ministry of Magic.

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