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A/N; Happy New Year my loves!! Here is my gift to you, enjoy! ;)

Apparently I couldn't stay away from the thought for long. Why are these people so obsessed with prophecies?

Each tutoring lesson, Potter would find a new way to bring up the subject. The first day he led me through the Gryffindor common room as all eyes followed me up the stairs.

"They all hate you, you know," he whispered.

I raised my head. "Because I'm Slytherin-"

"Because of your dad."

I looked away. Was he trying to make me hate him?

"You don't have to remind me," I mumbled.


A few days later, he spoke about his godfather. There was a Daily Prophet copy on the ground that read, 'Sirius Black Found Innocent for the Murder of Lily and James Potter a Week After His Demise.'

"That sucks," I said, losing focus on my Potions paper. "He deserved a fair trial."

"You think so?" Harry glanced at the newspaper.

"Are you surprised?"

He looked at me and I wanted to look away. "Snape said you were there that night."

Here we go again. "I never thought you, of all people, would believe something Snape says."

"He said you saw it happen."

"He lied."

"Okay, well..." He gulped. "What were you doing th-"

"Can you check if I got all the ingredients correct?" I said in an attempt to change the subject. He spent the rest of our time checking my essay.


Weeks later, he asked me about Malfoy.

"Is Draco around the common room a lot?"

"Why? Do you fancy him?" I laughed.

I did notice that Malfoy barely showed up to classes; He didn't even speak to anyone, and left his dorm very early in the morning. I just assumed that I was taking the arrests much better than him. "No, he isn't, not really. I think he took his fathers arrest a bit personally."

"What about you?"


"Is your family as odd as his or-"

"Why are we talking about my family? You already know about my fath-"

He sighed. "I dunno, we could get to know each other a bit considering we're around one another a whole bunch."

"Or, you can help me with the Potions homework, and we won't have to be around each other 'a whole bunch.'"

But did I really want that?


It had been a month since Harry started tutoring me. The lights were dimmer today, in his dorm. There was a small candle illuminating the space.

"Seamus tried a spell and busted a lamp," he explained.

I nodded and set my books down on his bed. "So what information are you going to try and pry out of me today?"


I wanted to start a fight. I wanted to aggravate him to the point where he wouldn't even want to look at me. It would make my life much easier knowing I had zero chance.

"The prophecy, perhaps?"

He blinked. "Well if you're eager to talk about it, yea-"

I 'accidentally' spilled my ink jar onto his sheets. "Damn it, do you know a drying spell?"

He saw right through me. "What was that for?!"

"I'm sorry, maybe talking about your family will make you feel better." Merlin, I really didn't want to say this, "oh right, you don't have one."

Hated that.

"Excuse me?!" His hand fell to his pocket where his wand was.

Make me hate you.

"Whoa, calm down Mr. Orhpan-"

"And how about you? I reckon your fathers' probably getting tortured by a dementor as we speak!"


"Hm, you might be right, you also might be next, considering how close your wand is to my neck."

We both looked down. He stood millimeters away from me and, indeed, his wand was pressed firmly against the flesh of my neck.

I hated him.

No, don't lie, Alicia.

I wanted to kiss him until our lips were bruised and numb.

He lowered his wand, but didn't back away. I spoke quieter this time. "We need finish the Potions-"

"We're not doing anything until you quit this act," he whispered.

"My act? You're too stubborn for your own good!"

"Yeah? Well fuck you!"

And that's when we knew, we had both reached our breaking points.

He kissed me.

He kissed me, and all the tension shattered.

He kissed me, and it felt completely right.

My hands ran through his hair, like how I've wanted to do all these years. He made me feel weak and numb.

I loved it.

When we pulled apart, his hair flew out in all different directions. His chest rose and fell scarily fast. I wouldn't be surprised if I looked the same. His eyes looked into mine, and I felt as though I could drown in them.

"Merlin, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he breathed, and I wanted to melt to the ground. I was too dazed to form words.

He stepped away a considerable amount. The door snapped open and Longbottom popped his head in. "Sorry, I forgot to water my plant."

All I could think was thank God he didn't walk in a moment before.

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