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Little snowflakes fell onto my hair, creating a crown of frost above my head. The walk to Hogsmeade was lengthy, but it was time away from the castle; meaning time away from studying. 

A chunk of snow was thrown at me, making me let out a gasp. Most of it flurried to the ground, but it still covered a good portion of my jacket. I turned to look at the culprit, but standing behind me was Daphne and Theo, and they looked as clueless as ever. I turned back around with a huff.

Another snowball hit me, but this time it hit the back of my head. I flinched and swerved around. "Alright, Daph, knock it off!"

They were both giggling, but she shrugged. "It wasn't us." Her eyes were focused on the ground. When I looked down, footprints were making their way past us. Just footprints. No person. They started to quicken their pace.

I quickly glanced back and then rushed after the footprints. 


The steps stopped in front of The Three Broomsticks. I waited to see what would happen next, and the door flung open without there being anyone near. I ran through the doorway and immediately bumped into something- or someone.

"Hi." I glanced up and Harry smiled. "Are you looking for something?"

I took a few steps back and glared at him. "You- how did you-?"

He raised his eyebrows, as if asking me to continue. I crossed my arms. "You threw snowballs at me!"

"Well, I had to get your attention one way or another."

"If you're so insistent in keeping this secret, I'll remind you that we are in a pub full of people right now."

He glanced around and then looked back at me. "Then I'll make it up to you; how about a butterbeer? It's on me."


Our walk through Hogsmeade was full of laughter. We stood a reasonable distance away from each other, but that didn't stop people from giving us odd looks. Their glares didn't frighten me now, though. Most were just third years excited about their first trip, and others, old witches and wizards who didn't know any better.

"Remember the first time we were here together?" I asked rhetorically. "You really had to make out the point that you had a date."

Harry tilted his head. "Oh you mean on Valentines day? Godric, that date went horribly wrong."

"Well, for starters, you were at Madam Puddifoot's, it's fate was already sealed."

He chuckled, which made me laugh with him. We walked up the path towards a small hill, then stopped.

The air was much cooler up here, and the wind much stronger. Harry sighed and said, "so, Slughorn, he's having this Christmas party, you know, for the Slug Club?"

I nodded for him to continue.

"I haven't found a date yet... and I was wondering if you'd like to go with me."

I blinked a couple times, a bit confused. "You're asking me on a date, Potter? That's-"

"Risky, I know." He hesitated. "But- most of the people there aren't very witty, you'd expect more from them considering they were hand picked by Slughorn himself. It'll be easy to fit in."

"I really hope so," I stated. "Because I would like to go with you."


We parted ways not long after. Harry claimed to have spotted his friends, and I thought it best to get back to Daphne and Theo.

"Where did you run off to?" Theo asked as I joined them on the trail back to the castle. 

I fixed my composure. "I was following the footprints."

"Did you figure out who it was?" Daphne questioned.

"Er- no." I lied, but realized that I never found out how Harry had turned invisible. I guess that is something else to add to the list of unsolvable mysteries of Potter.

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