Chapter 4 Necessity

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Wei Ying soared high up above the trees again, too aware of his husband's staring. Lan Zhan did not look away once, and it was making Wei Ying a little nervous.

He had delayed too long telling his husband everything, and now, it had built up in his mind and he was scared of Lan Zhan's reaction.

He spotted a clearing in the woods and made for that. The moment he put Lan Zhan down on his feet, the Jade turned him around, warm hands checking his back for injury. Wei Ying softened at the touch, but he steeled his mind.

They needed to talk. First.

"Wei Ying!" Fear and confusion haunted his words.

Wei Ying turned around immediately. He took Lan Zhan's face in his palms and kissed him gently.

"I'm fine, Lan Zhan, I'm fine."

"How? How?" Lan Zhan grabbed him, holding him closer.

Wei Ying could feel his body shaking, and he tried to reassure him.

"Um, that's why I brought you here. So we can talk." Wei Ying could feel the too rapid heart beats, so he held tighter, waiting for the Jade to calm down. "Let's sit down."

Wei Ying took him to a flat boulder and sat next to him, keeping his hand in his own two, clasped as if he was afraid Lan Zhan would leave.

He busied himself examining Lan Zhan’s own hands which were burnt in the centre of his palms when he had grabbed Zidian and flung the spiritual weapon away. Lan Zhan had healed himself almost immediately and now there was only a faint redness visible.

Lan Zhan looked into his silver eyes that were filled with doubts. What was wrong?

"Er, nothing's wrong, exactly..." Wei Ying replied.

Lan Zhan hadn't realised he'd spoken out loud.

"Then, what is it?" His deep voice had a calming effect on the younger one.

"Well, you see, over the past few weeks, no that's not true, past few months is probably better, I've been noticing some changes. In my body."

He sighed when Lan Zhan checked his pulse immediately, and put the back of his hand on Wei Ying's forehead to check his temperature.

Wei Ying took that hand and kissed the centre of his palm before returning his hand to his lap.

"Not bad changes, good ones, I guess." He sighed, trying to give himself encouragement. "You might have noticed that I'm stronger now."

"Mn." Lan Zhan smiled at that. "Good."

"Well, it turns out that I'm a lot stronger. Watch this."

Wei Ying stood up and walked to an old tree. Its trunk was thick and wide, but had once been a strong and beautiful willow. Wei Ying bowed to it, before pushing it with his forefinger. Not a second later, the tree crashed to the ground in a haze of disturbed dust and old leaves. Its roots out of place, mangled and broken above its resting place. He bowed to it again and returned to Lan Zhan, examining his face for what he might be thinking.

The Jade was looking...the same as usual.

This could be a good sign, Wei Ying told himself.

"Um, that's not all. My wings, they're...I'm not sure what they are, but they protected me from Zidian. That's why I wasn't hurt. Also, my balance is better, I can jump from higher places, and I can hear much better now." He unfurled them now. "I think it's a combination of the Dragon pearl, and my core changing."

Lan Zhan walked around them. Even now, he was in awe of their superb strength and beauty, but now it had increased tenfold. His hands skimmed the sides of these extraordinary extentions of his husband, and he couldn't resist leaning forward to kiss them.

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