Chapter 51 Targets

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Once everyone had calmed down, Wei Ying sat the boys down in the Jingshi and interrogated them, specifically Jin Ling.

"So when is it happening?" Was his first question. He leaned forward in anticipation of their answers.

"We don't know yet." SiZhui told him.

"Can I plan your wedding? Please? I'm really good with things like that!" Wei Ying persisted, looking at both of them eagerly.

His enthusiasm was contagious but Jin Ling was the sensible one here.

"Let's talk to my uncles first and decide where the wedding will take place."

Well that opened up a whole other issue for debate, because all three of the people wanted it in different locations.

"Sect leader, has to be in JinLinTai." Jin Ling said, adamantly.

Wei Ying visibly shuddered. "Lotus Pier is better, but SiZhui is the Sect heir of Gusu." He high fived SiZhui.

"Has to be here." SiZhui kissed his cheek to make him feel better.

"We could have two weddings..." Jin Ling suggested with a grin.

SiZhui blushed.

"I'm going to find the others." Wei Ying announced, and left, smiling to himself.

There were many times both past and present, when he had wished people had left him alone with Lan Zhan. And he could tell the same wish was present with both his children now, so he made himself scarce.

The moment his Uncle Wei had gone, Jin Ling cupped SiZhui's face and kissed him deeply.

SiZhui struggled with sitting not close enough, until both, frustrated by the same thing, that Jin Ling hauled him into his lap, never breaking away from him.

This sweet, sweet taste, coupled with the scent of jasmine, brought a fiery passion to Jin Ling, awaking a dormant desire. His hands slid in between carefully wrapped robes, the first contact with bare skin, which had them both blushing furiously.

SiZhui jerked upright, face flamed bright red, but his bruised lips and shining eyes made him look even more appealing. His hands grabbed the ones under his clothes and he stopped their progress.


"For?" Jin Ling could not contain his elation. He reared up and captured his lips again.

"I don't mind kissing you, in fact, I love it. But for anything else, I want to wait." SiZhui leaned back, anxiety shadowing his chocolate eyes.

"You know I can't keep my hands off you...but," Jin Ling gave him an honest smile, "I want whatever you want." He kissed his nose. "Don't be afraid to tell me what is important for you. If it's important to you, it's important for me."

SiZhui snuggled closer, resting his head on Jin Ling's shoulder. Jin Ling wrapped his arms around him, holding him closer.

"Is there anything you want? About our weddings?" He emphasised the plural, smiling into SiZhui's soft, silky hair.

"Flowers." SiZhui mumbled, his face hidden in the yellow robes.

"Flowers?" Jin Ling kissed his hot cheek. "What kind?"

"Lotuses, peonies and orchids." SiZhui answered without missing a beat.

"SiZhui." Jin Ling waited until the still blushing boyfriend lifted his head, and brown eyes met warmer burgandy ones. "I will give you as many flowers as you want and more. For the rest of our lives."

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