Chapter 9 Secrets

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Lan Zhan was looking at the note in distaste.

Just coming back. Won't be gone for long, my love, and please don't worry. Also, please don't tell anyone I'm not in Cloud Recesses, especially not XiChen-Ge or Jiang Cheng because- and then, because Wei Ying had run out of space on the poorly chosen parchment, he had left written kisses.

There was so much wrong with this.

Firstly, Lan Zhan hated it when Wei Ying left home.

Without telling him.

Secondly, Wei Ying was alone.

Thirdly, he didn't know where Wei Ying was going.

Fourthly, he wasn't allowed to search for him.

Fifthly, he would have preferred those kisses to be given in person.

Sixthly, it was a stupid note.

So he put Bichen down on the table and sat down himself, because right now, only meditation would help.



Wei Ying had flown out of Cloud Recesses, his heart split in two. There were many reasons, but the first, and foremost one in his head, was that Lan Zhan wasn't going to like it.

Actually, that was such an understatement, he couldn't help giggling with the nervous tension coiled in his belly.

Lan Zhan would be angry, no scratch that, livid.

Ordinarily, Wei Ying preferred to tell his husband everything, especially if he was thinking about going somewhere, and multiply that by a hundred if he was going somewhere without him.

It just caused less problems, and given that Lan Zhan suffered from anxiety every time Wei Ying breathed wrong, it was a good way to avoid undue stress.

Plus, he wouldn't have done it if it wasn't absolutely necessary.

He had gone through every possible scenario before deciding that this was the best plan. The less people knew, the better this would work out for everyone.

At the same time, his heart was filled with joy, excitement humming in his veins. It reminded him of the anxiousness he felt waiting behind a door, ready to scare the life out of an unsuspecting Jiang Cheng. Of course, he had terribly misjudged the situation and ended up accidentally scaring Madam Yu, but that was a whole other story.

He wasn't good with waiting, and this meeting would hopefully resolve an important mystery.

People would thank him in the end, right?

He spotted a tiny clearing in the woods just before their end, and swooped down elegantly, marvelling at how much better his flying was now, and how much his landing had improved.

Contrary to popular opinion, namely Jiang Cheng's, which was, "don't you just do this" *mimicking a bird by flapping his arms, flying was actually quite difficult.

Birds had their parents to copy by watching, and he was sure, a secret language to tell their children exactly how to do it, but he had no one. In those early days, Shen Ling had helped him immensely, but he'd found it hard to concentrate after his wings burst out of his back then, the pain too intense to concentrate on anything else much.

After that happy first meeting with Suanni, the mystical being had cured his discomfort and allowed the painful transition to be so natural now, he hardly felt anything.

Except when Lan Zhan touched them.

He shuddered, just thinking about it.

He was so lucky to have an adventurous partner, willing to explore everything....

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