Chapter 54 Uncertainty

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Wei Ying always felt conflicted about leaving Cloud Recesses.

"Do you know, Lan Zhan? I love living here..." Wei Ying was clutching his arm but looking behind him as they walked further away.

There was a time when he couldn't wait to leave here. He shook his head at his own foolishness, the distractions of youth and when other things seemed more important, like freedom...and no rules.

And yet, it wasn't at all difficult living here now. Not when he had Lan Zhan.

Well, there were others of course, but Lan Zhan, he was it.

Lan Zhan, who was looking at him with a question in his eyes. Wei Ying slowed his pace, so they had some measure of privacy, but could still keep an eye on his daughter. She was walking in front of them, holding Hui Gai's hand, while Zhitiao walked in front of them.

Hui Gai had modified his shackles so that a fiery blue string was attached to his own wrist. There was no way she could run.

"Lan Zhan..." But when Wei Ying looked at him, all words fled.

He wanted to tell him how much Lan Zhan meant to him, how much he valued him, the whole package. The fact that everyday he woke up wanting to see him smile, the way so little showed upon his face, but inside, Lan Zhan was like a fiery volcano.

Deceptively calm and cool on the outside, but hotter than a thousand suns on the inside.

He reached up and kissed him, softly, hoping to convey all of his thoughts into those few seconds.

Lan Zhan hummed appreciatively, pausing only for a second to reciprocate.

"Later." He whispered before grabbing his hand and following behind the others.

The truth was, privacy was going to be a luxury now, and they both knew it.

The hotness of the day and the sun beating down upon them was felt gradually, as they descended away from the mountain and the sheltering coolness. They filled up with water constantly, and Wei Ying was relieved to see a hesitant Zhitiao drink from the river at least.

They took a break at around lunchtime, having found an inn with a few empty seats. Hui Gai had disappeared, but not before whispering something into Zhitiao's ear, which had her going paler than before.

What did you say to her? Wei Ying asked him through their mind connection.

Me? Nothing...Hui Gai tapered off, not wishing to elaborate.  But she won't think about trying to escape, that's for sure. He added.

Wei Ying could feel him smirking.

Lunch was a simple affair, resembling their diet at Cloud Recesses and for once, Wei Ying didn't mind.

"I'm already missing Uncle." He said, wistfully.

Li XiWang put her hand in his. "It's alright father. We'll be home soon."


Wei Ying smiled at them both gratefully. He happened to glance at Zhitiao, who was looking at them in surprise, but she scowled when she noticed him looking. He found it odd, the way she would watch them, cogs turning in her head.

There was definitely suspicion on her face, but Wei Ying couldn't blame her for something that really was his fault.

"Do you think they," he discreetly jerked his head towards her, "know we've left Cloud Recesses yet?" He could see her leaning forward to hear better.

"Mn. We are being followed." Lan Zhan confirmed.

"That's good." Wei Ying sighed happily and dug into his food.

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