Chapter 113 Darkness

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All around him, heat and fire burned in the pitch blackness of wherever they were. Dimly, he heard screaming and realised the noise was coming from Jian Ci.

He could hear a thousand voices in his head, screaming to get out, wanting to be free, while the oppressive weight bore down on top of him like a heavy boulder, crushing any joy or feelings of happiness.

Wei Ying sank to his knees, clutching his head and barely aware of anything as his core tried to dispell the resentment energy that threatened to overwhelm him.

He wasn't in any state to understand what was happening to him, not when the screaming that at first, wouldn't stop, and then suddenly, there was complete silence.

Just for a second...

"WEI YING!" Lan Zhan grabbed him, holding him tight.

Wei Ying blinked gingerly, not wanting to be in that dark place again. The moment he realised he was back, with all the familiarity that his husband brought to him, the frightened golden eyes and that sandalwood scent of home, Wei Ying burst into tears, before passing out.


Hours later, Wei Ying woke up. He remembered too quickly what had happened and tears welled up in his eyes. Soft warm lips kissed away the extra moisture, even as he shuddered.

He opened his eyes to find a fearful Lan Zhan watching him closely, half lying on his chest.

"What happened, Lan Zhan?" He whispered, terribly confused.

" disappeared...just like that! Where did you go? Hui Gai followed you. Brought you both back." His eyes were full of panic.

"Lan Zhan..." Wei Ying threw his arms around his neck, whimpering at the memories of that place.

Lan Zhan held him tightly, letting him cry.

"I...I don't know where we was dark...but horrible. I could feel the weight of resentment energy...Lan Zhan, there were so many voices." Slowly he calmed down, listening to the thud-thud of Lan Zhan's heart, as they both relaxed with relief.

"Hui Gai saved us?" Wei Ying asked, finally.


Wei Ying could feel him shaking too.

"I'm sorry! I don't know what happened. One second we were here, and the next, in some dark place. It was so hot, and...and Jian Ci was screaming..."

"Safe now. Safe."

To Wei Ying, it felt as though those words were for Lan Zhan rather than himself, a testament to how shaken he was.

Lan Zhan couldn't seem to calm himself down. The sight of Wei Ying disappearing...just like shocked him beyond belief. He had let him go for barely a second...a second.

He was never going to let him go again, not like that. Lan Zhan kissed his forehead slowly, caressing his face with his lips, memorising every curve, every dip, from the roundness of his cheeks to his brows, and finally they both sighed into a kiss. Eagerly, Wei Ying kissed him back, his warm lips filled with reassurance and love, that he was here.

They were sheltered next to a burning fire, out of view from everyone else. Lan Zhan took advantage of their solitude to make his kiss deeper, wanting to bare his soul like this in lieu of words.

Wei Ying was melting into his strong body, wanting more and more. Lan Zhan, understanding this, bit his lip, soothing with a swipe of his hot tongue.

Wei Ying moaned, breaking the spell.

Blushing like his face was on fire, he remembered that they were not quite alone.

"Lan Zhan...I want..." But he stopped himself from adding more words.

Lan Zhan hadn't stopped his ministrations, giving up on his lips and moving down to his neck, biting and sucking.

"What does Wei Ying want?" He coaxed, his tongue dipping into the exquisite curve of his ear.

"I want to go home."

Those words were like a bucket of cold water. Lan Zhan looked up to see more tiny rivers of tears falling from his beautiful silver eyes.

"Wei Ying...must not cry..." he sat up, taking the weeping man with him, holding him close.

"I miss my babies, Jin Ling and SiZhui and JingYi...I miss my brothers, both of them." He choked back a smile. "I really miss Uncle too. Wen Ning. I miss our home...and I miss being with you."

"We can leave in the morning. Is that acceptable?" Lan Zhan felt Wei Ying nodding against his neck.

This feeling was...everything.

Wei Ying was safe, here in his arms.


Sometime in the night, Wei Ying felt a warm bundle burrow against his chest.

"'re back." Li XiWang mumbled as they fell asleep together, held closer by Lan Zhan.

Next to the little family, DaErduo wrapped his long bushy tail around himself and Xiao Mao as they settled down to rest.

Morning arrived with the hustle and bustle of packing up their camp. While Wei Ying waited, he had looked up to see Jian Ci surrounded by women. But she had changed all over again. Now she sat huddled into herself, hugging her knees and rocking back and forth. Her lips were moving as if she was talking to herself.


Wei Ying had no warning before he was wrapped inside a fierce hug. His neck was wet and he realised Hui Gai was crying.

"I'm okay, Hui Gai. I'm safe and it's thanks to you." Wei Ying waited until he calmed down a bit. "How did you know where we were?"

"I don't...I didn't. I only knew where you were...I don't know how to explain it. I wanted you back...and it happened. It's as simple as that."

Wei Ying wiped his face with his sleeves.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter. All that does, is you saved us. Both of us."

Hui Gai finally sat next to him and followed his gaze.

"What's wrong with her now?" Wei Ying asked.

"I don't know. She's been like this ever since we got back. Want me to check inside her?" He was back to normal, grinning without a care.

But Wei Ying knew better. He took his hand and looked him in the eye.

"Hui Gai...I don't know why we came into each other's lives, but I am thankful every single day. Not just because you're so great at...everything...but...because you're you."

A tear leaked out from the corner of his eye, and Hui Gai caught it with his thumb.

"You are more than my friend. You saved me." Hui Gai replied, utterly serious. "I am here because I want to be. This is my family too."

"And mine." Chirped Li XiWang wriggling into his arms.

Hui Gai chuckled and kissed the top of her head. Her pets quietly fought each for dominance over who could sit in Wei Ying's lap before settling down with only the occasional nip and bark.

"And mine."

Lan Zhan sat down next to Wei Ying, golden eyes smiling full of love, as he pulled him closer. Wei Ying leaned his head on his shoulder and closed his eyes contentedly.

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