Chapter 67 Fear

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Wei Ying sat up, holding Li XiWang's spent body. Whatever they had done made him feel better now, but because it had induced another episode, he couldn't help except worry.

He noticed that Li XiWang could bring Bai Hua to the forefront of her mind with greater ease now, the transition smoother than before. But because she had passed out again, she probably wouldn't remember what had happened to her.

Their prisoner watched them, taking note of the way he kept glancing down to look at her face, concern and worry upon his.

While her captors were busy, their attention diverted momentarily, she took that opportunity to wrench free, grabbing the knife still hidden up her sleeve to run towards Wei Ying, screams of warning alerting him of impending danger, and he saw Hui Gai disappear.

The assassin suddenly clenched her eyes, dropped the knife and grabbed her head instead, screaming once before falling to the ground, unconscious.

Hui Gai appeared again, right next to Wei Ying.

"What did you do?" He asked, holding his daughter closer.

"Who, me?" Hui Gai pointed to his own chest, but unable to hide his jubilant smirk.

"Nevermind." Wei Ying relaxed again against something hard but warm.

Lan Zhan had arranged himself to sit behind him so he wouldn't be uncomfortable. Wei Ying reached for his hand, intertwining their fingers so their palms rested against each other's.

The scream from the assassin had woken up Li XiWang and she looked around, dazed. When she saw she was half lying on Wei Ying's body, she sat up, rubbing her eyes.

"Did I...did I have another visit?" She asked, seriously.

"Mn." Lan Zhan handed her a cup of water.

She looked too serious.

Hui Gai pulled out a little pouch, shaking it so it made a clinking noise. She turned to him.

"Wanna play? Best of three? Winner gets a hug?"

"I'm in!" She turned and sat cross-legged, to face him.

Wei Ying sat up fully to watch with interest what they were going to play.

"This game is called Jacks. Hui Gai invented it." Li XiWang told him proudly.

If the demon could blush...

There were six metal hunks crudely shaped into knobbly bits. Li XiWang tossed one into the air and caught a single piece off the ground using the same hand, before catching the tossed one again. So it went on, until all the pieces were in her palm.

"Your turn!" She told him excitedly.

The demon complied.

"Is Wei Ying feeling better?"

Wei Ying shivered at the deep voice next to his ear, warm breath flowing past into his neck.

"Yes, I am." He turned to look into golden eyes that were...troubled with worry.

"Lan Zhan? What is it?" He whispered, the game forgotten.

"Can you walk?" Lan Zhan hauled him up.

To his surprise, Wei Ying found he could. He nodded.

Lan Zhan hadn't let go of his hand; now he was pulling him along, fast. As they approached the edge of their camp, Hongse was about to follow, when Lan Zhan spoke to her.

"Do. Not. Follow. Us." He paused to look at her coldly. "Am I clear?"

She meekly sat down again, nodding and not daring to speak.

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