Chapter 31 Fire

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Wei Ying made a loose circle in the ground. He placed dried twigs and leaves inside it and lit it up with a fire talisman.

"Now close your eyes and go from stage one to stage two." He told their daughter.

Li XiWang closed her eyes, regulated her breathing and concentrated.

When she opened her eyes, she wore a look of powerful determination.

Wei Ying was already so proud of her. He looked up at Lan Zhan and saw the same emotions reflected in his eyes.

"Try to control the flames." He told her.

Li XiWang held her hands slightly away from her body. They began a dance of their own, one hand following the other in moves that mimicked the movement of orange flames.

Wei Ying watched as the flames within the circle elongated and twisting, rising up as she willed. One single red tendril reached up to touch her finger and then to his wonder, the fire curled around her arm, just inches away from her skin, like the tail of a fox.

He looked at her face, watching for any sign of discomfort but there was only the joy of new discovery.

Gently she commanded it to return to the circle of its origin.

Wei Ying smiled at her proudly and put the fire out.

"How did you do that?" He asked her.

"It was so pretty, I wanted to touch it, but it told me no. So I asked if there was a way we could be closer, and that's what it did." She shrugged happily.

Wei Ying took her arm, checking for any sign of burns.

"Did you feel hot?" Lan Zhan asked her.

She shook her head.

"Do you feel tired, little rabbit? We can try something if you're not, or we can go home. Your choice."

"Try something else!" She cried, smiling.

Her enthusiasm was contagious.

"With fire or shall we try something new?"

"Something new."

"Alright, then listen carefully." Wei Ying made sure to wait until he had her full attention before continuing. "All of this," he gestured around him, "is contained within space. If you can reach a higher level of cultivation, you will probably be able to change things here. For now, please concentrate on the wind. Reach the second stage, and then test yourself."

"Okay, father." Li XiWang repeated the process.

Wei Ying knew this would be a little bit more difficult for her. Fire, you could see. Wind, not so easy.

Wind needed more concentration because you couldn't see it, you could only feel it.

A gentle breeze picked up, for now only playing with their hair. Wei Ying could feel his ponytail swaying now, saw Lan Zhan watching behind him and knew his ribbon was flying.

Lan Zhan himself was a picture of perfection. His white robes fluttered in the slowly strengthening wind, flowing behind him, his loose hair flowing with the fingers of the breeze now stronger. And his beloved Lan Clan forehead ribbons floating away from him.

The wind picked up and blew fiercely now, stirring up the loose leaves and gravel on the ground. It travelled around them, gaining momentum with speed, faster and faster until Wei Ying shouted above the noise.

"Stop! STOP!"

Just like that, the wind vanished, leaving the debris to collapse from their unwilling mad dance, and three cultivators in a dishevelled state.

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