Chapter 29 Inventory

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Wei Ying had piles of books open, arranged in a sort of barricade, when XiChen found him.

"Brother Wei?"

"XiChen-Ge! Just the person I wanted to see." Wei Ying bounced up and held out the ring. "Please, can you take a look? I would really appreciate your input." He pointed to the inscription.

The snake, which hadn't left him yet, looked interestedly at the ring too.

"Jiemei qingyi yongyuan. Sisterhood forever." XiChen whispered.

The snake hissed.

XiChen stroked its head and it began to purr.

Wei Ying thought they were cute together.

"That last word, it's as if someone tried to scratch it off." XiChen added.

"I know. I was hoping I was wrong." Wei Ying replied thoughtfully.

Lan Zhan entered the library with some snacks, which Wei Ying took excitedly, before realising it was just vegetables. Miffed, he bit into the carrot while staring at a smug husband.

Jin Ling and SiZhui next came into the room.

"Can we stay?" SiZhui asked and Wei Ying beamed, handing him a carrot, and a cucumber for Jin Ling.

Jin Ling thought it was strange, the look on his face said so, but Wei Ying rolled his eyes and silently pointed at Lan Zhan.

Jiang Cheng was the last to enter.

He still couldn't speak. Lan Zhan was happy about that.

A disciple knocked on the door after him and entered.

"Sect leader Nie Huaisang is requesting permission to talk to Zewu Jun."

"What do you think?" XiChen asked Wei Ying.

"At this point, the more the merrier." He grinned.

When Nie Huaisang entered the library, he looked around until his eyes fell on Wei Ying, who tossed him a carrot.

"It's a healthy snack." Wei Ying replied to his questioning look, and both ignored a glaring Lan Zhan, upset because the one person he had brought the snacks for in the first place, was avoiding eating them, and handing them out like invitations.

Jiang Cheng poked through the snacks and left them dejectedly after not seeing his favourite.

The smug smile deepened.

"Okay, let's bring everyone up to speed." Wei Ying bit into the carrot, relishing the sweet juice trickling down his throat. It wasn't...bad, per say, but not really what he had meant when he'd sent his husband to get munchies. Plus, he had an idea that Lan Zhan knew.

"It looks as if my timing was good." Huaisang said, opening up his fan.

"Is it ever not?" Wei Ying retorted.

Huaisang smiled cryptically.

"Anyway, this is what we know," Wei Ying continued. "Somehow and we don't know to what extent, Bai Hua,  also known as Healer of the Heavens, is either reincarnated  - highly likely because she was an immortal when her body perished, or she's found a way to channel her spirit into our daughter."

"Both good possibilities." Huaisang added. "If you're going to talk about them, I suggest you ward this place."

"Please, XiChen-Ge?" Wei Ying smiled at him.

XiChen stood up and performed the warding spell.

"Thank you. So as I was saying, Bai Hua was killed by the Children of the Tree. They've got quite the reputation." Wei Ying said.

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