Chapter 98 Journals

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Wei Ying opened his eyes.

He could feel himself trembling, and so could Lan Zhan through their joined hands.

"I...s-she...Lan Zhan, s-she knew she was going to die!" Wei Ying let go of the hands he was holding and immediately gathered up his little girl.

"My little're so brave," he choked out.

She patted his back.

"I knew what I was doing. And I'm back, perhaps it is in another body, but nevertheless, I am here."

She sounded so wise...and...unrepentant.

"Don't you feel...angry? Or upset? They killed you over your amazing ability to heal people! Since when was that a crime?"

"It doesn't matter." She gently extricated herself from him.

Wei Ying could only stare at her.

"There are more important things going on, and we have much to do. I must gather important ingredients and reread some of my more complicated cures. We only have a few days here."

Her deeper voice and surety was throwing him off.

"What can we do to help?" Wei Ying was great at blocking the painful things in his mind, and he realised that this was just another of those things.

And Bai Hua was right; they didn't have much time.

"Can you please check my journals? There might be a clue as to where my parents of this life are? I cannot remember everything that happened, or if I wrote down what could have happened after I died. Hexie will show you where they are."

"Alright, we can do that." Wei Ying took Lan Zhan's hand and they followed after Hexie.

But he could not resist looking back at his little girl. She was definitely not the same person they had adopted, his little rabbit, but at the same time, she was. And trying to make them the same person in his head was doubly confusing.

The squeeze on his hand had him looking up at Lan Zhan.

"Is Wei Ying alright?"

"I don't know."

Lan Zhan pulled him closer immediately.

"Everything feels strange...and Lan Zhan...I'm not...I don't know what I'm doing now."


"I want to believe that everything will be fine...but there's this doubt I have...and I...I can't get past it."


"Her journals are here." Hexie called out to them.

Reluctantly, Wei Ying let go of Lan Zhan.

"Come on, let's get this over with."

Hexie was waiting for them in the Records room. She pointed to a particular shelf.

"You'll find them there. She kept a record of everything." Hexie bowed and left.

The journals were meticulously in order. Wei Ying picked up the first book.

"Shall we read them together? I'm not sure if reading them separately will help if they're in chronological order, and we might end up missing something crucial."

"Mn. Come here." Lan Zhan sat on a floor mat.

Wei Ying brought over a pile of books and sat down in his lap.

"If she wants us to find something useful, it will be after she saved the seventh Dragon King, maybe even after the second time? When Zai Shu Xia brought him here for treatment." Wei Ying tapped his nose before opening the book.

"Do you know, Lan Zhan? Look at the irony of this place. It's called Heping, peace. But look how she died. And she shouldn't have! Not like that." His fists clenched, angrily. "It's such an injustice." He sat up, suddenly.


"Two things. The last line in what she told us, "only he shall find peace", it must mean this place. Her home literally means Peace." Wei Ying couldn't help but feel excited. "And the second thing, when she came to me as a grown woman, she said she needs our help to rectify a great injustice. Was she talking about this?"

"Perhaps. Let us read, there might be more."

"You're right." Wei Ying kissed his cheek.

The first page documented various changes in her fields and crops, plus a list of her customers that were due to arrive that day. It was mostly boring stuff, until they got to a certain part.

"Look Lan Zhan, what she wrote!" He read it aloud.

"The first threat arrived, in the form of a live scorpion. I want to laugh because this is just basic medicine and can be cured easily. I don't think they know about my gift, and therefore, this whole drama will be far more entertaining than they can imagine."

"Do you think she's talking about knowing the future? And how do you think that works? Can she see everything or only what pertains to her?"

"We can ask her later. Let's continue."

There was more in the following days she wrote about the threats becoming worse, but nothing she was unable to cope with. They read up to the point that Zai Shu Xia and Tiaopi De Long arrived at her door.

Wei Ying yawned and stretched.

"Does Wei Ying want to take a break?"

"We can't." Wei Ying's voice was full of longing. "Let's carry on." He read out loud again.

"I received unexpected visitors today, and in bad condition. They are on the run from the Children of the Tree. At least my place is protected and will offer them some peace for a while. They look tired and exhausted as if they've been travelling for a long time. The Dragon King is still unconscious, and if I told the truth, then I'm scared that this is the first patient who may not make it.

"Zai Shu Xia is a lovely girl. So sweet and humble, yet determined. They are staying in one of the rooms now, but neither can be apart from the other for long. Whenever Zai Shu Xia goes to change the water in the bowl, the Dragon King starts thrashing around in agony. I have explained to her that this type of stress will only make his condition worse, and she has promised not to do it again.

"I have asked Hexie to keep an eye on them. His condition is particularly worrying, for I have seen the damage one dart can do, and he was pierced by many, and a dagger. I think I may have found something which will help, although it was quite by accident. I spilled lemon juice on the table that had specimens of the poison in little dishes, and it's definitely a breakthrough.

"I still need to try some more experiments but this could turn the tide. They are a lovely couple and I want to help them more than anything. I've already cured the Dragon King once before, but that time, he had come and gone by himself. I had wondered what he could possibly have done to incite their ire.

"But now I know. It is a serious thing, for all concerned, but in my heart of hearts, I cannot blame him, or Zai Shu Xia either. They are two halves of a whole, and to separate them would be a crime. I will do everything in my power to help them as much as I can.

"It is my firm belief that if I can heal, it is my duty to do so without bias, even if his enemies came to my door. Who knew the Gift bestowed by the Jade Emperor would come in so useful?

"I also have another piece of good news: my cultivation has exceeded my expectations, and while I'm thrilled with my progress, but I can't help wondering if there's a reason behind this? Must explore..."

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