Chapter 79 Theories

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Wei Ying woke up, his mind buzzing with possibilities.

There was so much to think about, and he- his stomach grumbled so loudly, he blushed, sitting up. He saw Lan Zhan was returning to him through the smoke of the fires burning, with two bowls of congee, and right this minute, Wei Ying didn't care what it was.

He jumped up and kissed Lan Zhan first, who had to juggle the bowls in order not to spill, and reciprocate the greeting. He was smiling anyway, remembering last night.

Wei Ying pulled him down and they tucked into breakfast, punctuated with Lan Zhan stopping to wipe a certain someone's mouth in their haste to eat.

Wei Ying, feeling someone's eyes on him, looked around and saw Zhitiao waving at him.

"Lan Zhan, do you mind if I go and talk to the twins? I think Zhitiao has something to say."

"Mn. Can go together."

Lan Zhan helped him up, adjusted his robes and tucked a rogue hair behind his ear.

Wei Ying looked up into his face full of kindness, affection and pure love. His breath stuttered...

"How am I so lucky?"


"To have you. For me."

"Wei Ying is not lucky."

"What? I am!" Wei Ying insisted, but more words became trapped between their lips.

Lan Zhan positively beamed back at him.

"I am luckier." He grabbed his hand and led a dazed husband towards the encircled sisters.

Hongse met them there.

"Do they have to remain shackled?" Wei Ying asked, looking at the sisters.

"Yes." She answered immediately, not even taking the time to think about it.

"But they've sworn an oath. Surely, that should count for something?" He persisted.

"I can't be as trusting as you. We have dealt with the likes of them for far too long, to just give them that kind of freedom." Hongse folded her arms across her chest in a defensive position.

"What do you think, Lan Zhan?" Wei Ying turned to look at him.

"Wei Ying is right." He replied, also immediately.

Wei Ying blushed and then cursed himself for being so easily affected by his husband. And that voice.

And that glare which was being directed at the red robed woman now, for daring to disagree with his husband.

"I'll think about," she faltered, turning to go.

"Wait. Please. If you have time, I would like to put a few suggestions in front of you, just to get your opinion." Wei Ying smiled cautiously.

"Alright. What do you need?" She asked, coming closer.

"Well, it also involves them, so let's go there." Wei Ying led the way to the twins.

They had also finished eating, and rose to greet them, bowing with respect.

They sat in a small circle. Wei Ying smiled at everyone before beginning.

"So yesterday,  Lan Zhan and I were thinking and we came up with a few ideas, and I was wondering if you could shed further light upon what we think."

Lan Zhan took his hand, knowing how he felt about talking like this.

The sisters shared an understanding look between them, both softly smiling at the couple. Even Hongse was looking warmly at the two.

"You know our daughter has episodes where her eyes turn white and she embodies Bai Hua. But when she wakes up, she can't remember a single thing about it. It's almost as if her consciousness is cutting off any relation because...because it may be too difficult for her."

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