Chapter 34 Reconciliation

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Wei Ying woke up to find a warm face tucked into his neck. He smiled, because nothing could beat this feeling. He couldn't stay upset or angry at Lan Zhan for long, not when their very survival depended upon each other.

The pain that still ate away at his insides was his problem, and perhaps time was the only cure.

His robes were wet.

His smile vanished when he realised that Lan Zhan must have been hurting just as much. He had been overruled by his brother, and it had come between them.

"Lan Zhan? Lan Zhan, my love?" Wei Ying lifted his chin to see red bloodshot eyes, puffy from crying.

He rolled over so he was lying on top of his husband.

"Did you sleep at all? Have you been awake all night?"

Lan Zhan wouldn't look at him.

Wei Ying bent down and touched his lips over smoky eyelids, lashes still wet upon pale cheeks. First the left one and then the right, followed by a kiss on his nose. For some reason, it made him giggle and that caused the golden eyes to open.

Pain and hurt flashed in their depths, and Wei Ying knew what he needed then.

He bent and placed his lips upon cold ones, warming them up before tasting their sweetness. Familiar warmth and love danced upon his tongue before delving in to share. This cozy feeling humming in his veins was addictive.

He snuggled closer, feeling the arms around him tighten.

"I'm sorry."

"I love you, Lan Zhan. And I have already forgiven you. But you have to promise not to do that again. Am I clear?"

"Mn. I promise Wei Ying, will tell him everything."

"Otherwise, I will punish you."

That produced a smirk.


Heavens, how did he always manage to get himself into these types of situations?

"I won't let you do me. For at least a week." He said, finally.

The smirk got wider.

"Is that your punishment or mine?"

Wei Ying cursed internally. He was right. Wei Ying would probably suffer more in that scenario.

He leaned in and bit a pale shoulder bared by loose robes. And then he yelped as Lan Zhan took over.

Tingles spread all over his body as he writhed in pleasure, fiery lips showing him exactly what he would be missing.

Hours later, and just beginning to stir again, Wei Ying opened one eye.

"How come you're still here?" He rolled over onto him, just so he had something nice to look at. "Not that I'm complaining. But it's late, even for you."

"I told Brother I wasn't coming today." He blushed.

"Well, to be frank, all of this is kinda his fault. And good for you! I am so proud of you, honey!" Wei Ying kissed his nose.

But that word had awoken a beast!

Lan Zhan attacked him with new vigour until he was a giggling mess, but not for long. Finally exhausted, he curled into his husband.

"What was that for?" He mumbled.

Lan Zhan kissed his nose, now happily content. "You called me a name."

Wei Ying had to think back. He lots of names. How was he to know which one triggered his husband?

"Do you mean honey?"

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