Chapter 108 Rebellion

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Wei Ying had expected Jian Ci to start making a lot of noise, protesting her capture and demanding release.

But she stayed silent.

Watching them intently. Especially him.

It was almost like the moment a hunter makes eye contact with his prey, the continuous battle of survival between equally matched contestants.

Like recognised like.

Wei Ying was reminded of a snake, but he immediately felt bad. All the snakes he knew, and thought fondly of SniZidian, were nice, so it was an unfair comparison. He put it out of his mind and concentrated on their task.

From the looks of it, this was going to be all about mind games.

Hui Gai watched both of them. He was in two minds; on the one hand, he wanted to deal with this mess by himself, because the thought of his friend being tainted in any way by whatever was going to happen, was distasteful to him. Plus he really didn't like Jian Ci. If he was given just five minutes alone with her...

But he trusted Wei Ying without a doubt. Some things just needed to be played out.

He wondered who was going to crack first. His money was on Wei Ying's stubborn ability to win even the silliest contests. Judging from that, this was going to be easy.

Jian Ci tried to look tough.

However, this was difficult because every time she tried to stand up, she lost her balance because the bubble was unsteady like that. And her concentration was split between the people outside the bubble and her little green companion, who wouldn't stay still.

"What do you want?" She finally blurted out, unable to take the stress.

"The truth." Wei Ying told her.

She raised a brow, folding her arms in front of her chest.

Which was a bad move, because she collapsed right away.

Grunting in a most unladylike way, she managed to right herself, and glared at him.

"Where is the Seventh Dragon King? What did you do to him?" Wei Ying stared back at her, unflinchingly.

"Yao Wang has him."

There were gasps all around.

Wei Ying could feel the blood draining from his face.

"Who's that?" Hui Gai whispered, close to him.

"The Demon King." Wei Ying turned to face him, so Jian Ci wouldn't see what he was feeling.

All kinds of desperation, if he was honest.

"And we should be....scared? Why?" Hui Gai continued, unaffected.

"Can I explain later? This is so not the time..."

Hui Gai nodded, thinking hard. He had a name now.

"Why did you give him to Yao Wang?" Wei Ying steeled his resolve.

Nothing else mattered but this vital information that only she possessed.

Meanwhile, Jian Ci was shocked at herself. And what she said next.

"I didn't give him, I sold him. For quite a pretty penny, too." She scowled at all of them, but her ire was directed at only one man. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth.

"What have you done to me?" She mumbled through her fingers, looking simultaneously angry and confused.

"So where is he now?" Wei Ying was disgusted with her.

"I don't know. And why would you care? He could be rotting in a dark hole for all I care! Pathetic worm had the gall to steal my sister, and he thought he could get away with it? He certainly had another thing coming! And there's no way you're going to find him, either!" She shouted out despite her best efforts not to, and looked like a wreck by the end, her hair loose and wild, sweat dripping off her forehead as she tried to stop herself from speaking.

"What about Zai Shu Xia? Where is she?" Wei Ying forced himself to remain calm, but he was already trembling with a combination of rage and grief.

"I don't know. Hopefully that traitor is dead, rotting away in the same-"

Wei Ying looked around as the sound cut out completely, but her mouth still carried on moving.

Hui Gai was grinning, suspiciously happy.

Wei Ying gave him a hard stare.

"Whaaat?" Hui Gai stared back, a twinkle in his red eye.

"She might say something important in all that."

"I was just giving us a break." The grin widened. "Shall we just wait for her to realise we can't hear her, and she'll shut up?"

"You think so?"

They both turned back to watch her, in similar stances.

Slowly, confusion grew on her face, which was becoming redder and redder.

Finally, she stopped, panting. She bent down, and unfortunately, collapsed again.

Hui Gai stifled a laugh.

"You have to admit, the bubble idea was priceless."

"Alright. It's kind of hard to take her seriously because of her lack of coordination." Wei Ying agreed.

"I'm sure I can do better." Hui Gai replied.

"I'm actually scared to ask how."

Hui Gai just patted his back and cracked his knuckles unnecessarily.

"Watch me." He beamed confidently.

Cockroaches appeared a few at first so Jian Ci hadn't really noticed them. But when the terrified little green frog hopped onto her shoulder, she screamed, because the bubble was infested with the tiny creatures, with their two feelers, hell bent on exploring everything inside that bubble.

Big ones, small one, round ones, all crawling around that tiny space, and Jian Ci finally couldn't take it anymore.

Her eyes rolled back and she passed out.

"See?" Hui Gai gestured towards the bubble. "And she's still alive!"

"I worry about you sometimes." Wei Ying told him. "What are you going to do now?"

"Give me five minutes, maybe less, depending on what I find." Hui Gai couldn't resist and hugged him.

Wei Ying reciprocated.

"Just be careful." He whispered.

"Always." Hui Gai promised.

He vanished just as suddenly.

Wei Ying had a feeling he knew exactly where he had gone.

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