Chapter 69 Impasse

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Li XiWang was quiet. Too quiet for the demon's liking, even as he sat next to her. They didn't really need to talk, to feel comfortable with each other. Acceptance on so many levels had made them share a unique bond only matched by the one they shared with Wei Ying, and this was true from the very beginning of their relationship.

Even now, Hui Gai knew something was bothering her. She held onto his tail with a fast grip, perhaps the only tether to something real, something calm. It was a shame he wasn't able to get hold of any ice cream around here. They were between towns for now, so that would have to wait. She had the kitten so that was something, but Xiao Mao spent a lot of time just sleeping these days. Her fingers were buried in her fur, needing comfort.

"Do you want to lie down?" He asked her.

"I won't be able to sleep." She told him.

"Why not?"

Her gaze travelled to the two sisters surrounded by vigilant red clad women. Zhitiao sat, meditating next to her sister who was still knocked out but now had shackles on her feet and wrists, courtesy of the demon.

Then she looked at her fathers, lit up by the orange glow of the fire. They appeared to be talking about something, before Lan Zhan nodded and watched as Wei Ying kissed his cheek and stood up to walk to Zhitiao. His eyes followed him all the way to the cluster of red flowers.

"I...I'm scared." Li XiWang whispered.

"Why?" Hui Gai put his arm around her too, and pulled her closer, keeping it there.

She leaned into him, her head resting on his shoulder.

"I don't want anything to happen to them. Or you."

Hui Gai laughed.

She looked up at him, a little bit annoyed, but cautiously hopeful. If he was laughing, were her fears unfounded?

"Do you know? Every day, I'm learning something new about myself? My speed is increasing on a daily basis, I try everything, every single thought, no matter how random or outlandish it seems, and so far, I have not been disappointed. I should be the furthest thing in your mind to worry about!"

"That doesn't help." She retorted, but secretly, it did. She already felt enormously better.

"What about them?" She watched Zhitiao cry, and Wei Ying hugging her. "My fathers are...just lovely. I...I don't want them to change."

"Then what?" He asked, bluntly.

Questions were so necessary. To get to the heart of any problem, they had to be asked, and then only was it possible to open the door for answers.

"I want to keep them safe." Her eyes were shining. Whether it was from too much moisture, or her own resolve, but a hidden strength was making itself known. "I'm going to learn everything there is to know about medicine. Uncle Ning told me a few things, but I'm going to visit him more. His sister was a great doctor, you know."

She looked back towards the fire.

"They're not going to stop getting into trouble. But I'm going to help them. I'm going to fix anything that happens to him."

They both knew who she meant.

Hui Gai watched Wei Ying pat the shoulders of Zhitiao, reassuring her both with his eyes and his speech.

He was such a good man. Hui Gai had felt it from their first ever meeting, and that incredible desire to protect him had arisen from somewhere deep inside. Wei Ying had a pure innocence, an ability to see the world through child eyes, to accept everything without judgement.

People were attracted to that, more than anything. Some wanted to share it, some to enjoy it, and some who wanted to destroy that precious gift.

"Don't worry, little Rabbit. I won't let anything happen to him either. Those two..."

Li XiWang followed his gaze to the two sisters.

"I will make sure they can't hurt him." Hui Gai felt so certain of this, he turned to look at the little girl sitting next to him, her eyes full of relief, unconditional love and more importantly, trust. "I promise you."

She held out her pinky finger.

He wrapped his around hers and they made a heart with their thumbs.

Xiao Mao sat up, yawned and stared at their hands before reaching forward and licking their promise. Then she turned once, twice, made herself comfortable and lay down to sleep again, purring softly. Li XiWang bent and kissed her fur.

Hui Gai made her lie down too, her head resting in his lap, and she fell asleep in mere seconds. In rest, her face looked so peaceful. Hui Gai thanked the stars for meeting her. He looked across the fire, to where Wei Ying was watching him, a warm smile on his face, and then he lifted two thumbs up at him in approval.

Thank you. Hui Gai heard that in his head, and he smiled, licking his lips.

No need. I love her just as much as I love you, my friend.

Wei Ying blushed and looked up at his husband, who of course, was staring hard at him. And then he looked directly at Hui Gai.

Amber eyes clashed with red ones, and Hui Gai was sure Lan Zhan had at least an inkling of what he might have said.

Pengyou! Call him off!

Wei Ying patted his hand, but when that didn't work, he reached up, capturing soft pink lips with his own, and Hui Gai was able to sigh in relief. His friend was wonderful, but Hui Gai wondered if he would ever get used to the intensity that was Lan Zhan.

Probably not, he heard in his mind.

True, he agreed.

Probably not.

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