Chapter 83 Temptation

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XiChen hid behind the pillar, watching. His mouth was dry, and his mind was clearly not on clan duties. He felt a mad thirst, but what he wanted to lick was just out of reach.

The man standing in purple robes stood tall and electrifying, his back towards him and concentrating.

Jiang Cheng was focused. On the training grounds, he watched as Zidian sparked to life, sizzling towards its target with single minded precision. These early morning sessions were working wonders on his temperament, giving him a release akin to meditation and after these practices, he found his mind flowering with calmness. But the activity was making him feel hot and he looked around at the deserted area before tearing off his robes.

XiChen wanted to die. Was Jiang Cheng doing that on purpose? He watched the ripple of muscles on his back, the rivulets of sweat rolling through the crevices and ridges of bare skin, and he had to clutch the pillar for support. He knew just what it would taste like...warm and slightly salty...

Zidian drew out his frustrations and ensuing anger like no other, and Jiang Cheng was beginning to realise that meditation and cultivation came in different shapes and sizes. His needs of course, might not be the same as the next man, although if the next man happened to be a certain someone...

Thoughts of his husband were a tempting distraction, and Jiang Cheng thought he had enough for today. Just as he bent to pick up his clothes, he heard that familiar tell-tale swish of white robes, and he smirked. Huan was so predictable.

For the past two weeks, his husband had been hiding and watching him practice. Alright, it may have added to his intensity and wish to do better, but it also acted as an incentive to prove to Huan that he was learning to control his emotions. And if they both benefitted...well that was just an added bonus.

The extra training was keeping him in shape, and Jiang Cheng knew his muscles had developed further, much to both of their's enjoyment. However, it was time for the daily dip in the Cold Pond.


XiChen left Cloud Recesses on the pretext of meeting the town leader. He knew that Jiang Cheng suspected something but there was no way he could guess, because this was a secret. XiChen had been meeting this man for a few weeks now, and it was getting harder to keep his clandestine activity hidden for much longer. This was his last session, just a precaution really now.

Jiang Cheng was clever and it was only a matter of time...but this was so important. He had several things to do today, but hopefully, the evening would yield a positive outcome.

Once he had paid his visit, quietly extremely happy with the results, and collected his surprise, he hurried to the Hanshi to prepare, hoping Jiang Cheng would take longer to arrive.


Jiang Cheng was feeling anything but calm now. XiChen was definitely hiding something and he was both angry and frustrated and terribly sad about it.

Only because he had accidentally seen Huan in town. When the sect leader had told him something else entirely. Plus, the building he had entered, just before looking around furtively, was known to be of ill repute. Why would Huan lie to him?

Jiang Cheng had marched off into the back grounds of Cloud Recesses, trying to make sense of everything. He wanted to trust his husband but if he were to examine his behaviour point by point, it was leading to something that was causing a sharp pain in his chest. He did not want to think these thoughts. Not at all.

In his distractedness, he found himself standing outside their home. There was a lot of noise coming from inside.

Curious, he opened the door, just as XiChen was placing the screen over something he clearly wanted to hide. And then the look on his face...

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